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"Shit,come on maddy" I said as we both quickly jumped up and speed walked to the boys,I heard miguel as I got closer.

"But you were looking at her right? That's still staring"

"I didn't know she was your girl dude-

"Doesn't mean you can still stare at a girl,that makes them uncomfortable" Mason said,


Miguel turned his head and noticed Maddy and I, "y/n go back to where you was sitting" he told me

"No,do not do this in public" I said,he sighed before turning his body around and walked closer to me.

"He was staring at you-

"Yeah so?"

"Oh! So we're letting guys stare at us now-

"Miguel for once,let this one go,we came here to enjoy time with our friends please..I just want peace right now okay?" He sighed as he stared at me,

"Fine,okay? Fine I won't do anything but let me just do one thing" he said

"What" I said,he then walked back to the guy giving Mason a look.I don't know how Mason knew what he meant but he did as they both grab the guy

"Woah-woah what are they doing??" The guy said panicking,


"hey it's okay,let him take his anger out" Tristan said,Miguel and Mason carried him and aggressively threw him in the pool,

Miguel looked back at me as I crossed my arms,he threw his hands up as surrender. "I had to" Miguel said,


after what miguel did,we decided to leave early which was a bummer but we had enough fun today.We were walking in the parking lot to the truck,"So what now? You guys are leaving now and we see you in couple of days?" Mason asked,I turned around

"Mason why are you acting like we never see you guys-

"Cause we don't! I don't wanna look like I'm jealous but I miss you y/n and I miss mikey..it's like every once in a while one of you guys hits us up to hangout but it's to make one of you feel better when there's a situation going on"


Mason interrupted miguel, "I don't mind being there for you guys,you guys are my family but I want to see you guys everyday not at school but outside of school like we always use to do,I love that you guys are finally together but I don't want it to change our friendship"

"We already lost brady,don't get me wrong I'm still pissed at him..but I don't wanna lose you guys too,it's just been me,Maddy and Tristan" he said before looking down at me.

"Maddy misses you y/n..she's scared to say it cause she likes to spend all the time she has with you cause she knows she won't see you for another couple of days or maybe even a week" I looked at Maddy who looked down,I looked back at miguel.

"I know you lost your mom y/n,don't worry I miss her too" he said with a smirk,I scoffed, "but all jokes aside,I just want us to hang out more again"

"Mikey" I called out to him as he looked up at me,he sighed throwing his head back.

"Fine,why don't we go out to eat then have another sleepover" miguel said,he knows he can't say no to me and I love him for that.

Maddy and Tristan cheered as they sprinted to the truck, "thanks y/n,and sorry if I came off harsh" Mason said

"It's okay,we miss you guys too"I said with a smile as we walked to the truck.


we went back home to shower since we know the pool can get dirty,we all met up at my house so we can go together as we planned.

I let Mason,Maddy and Tristan in the house since miguel showered here. "Hey guys,you can sit since miguel is doing his hair" I told them

They nodded as they went to the couch while I shut the door behind them,my aunt walked downstairs. "Hey mija" she greeted me

"Hey Tia-

"Oh my god" Mason said standing back up looking at my aunt,

"Mason sit down" I said through my teeth causing Mason to quickly sit down but still stare at my aunt,

"Oh hey Mason" my aunt said with a wave as Mason basically drooled over her,she chuckled "do you want to help me with my lunch-

"Yes,yes I'm coming" he said jumping up following my aunt to the kitchen as I laughed at him,I sat next to Maddy.

"You know..Mason was right,I missed you but I knew you was always with Miguel so I considered you to be safe since miguel doesn't play about you" Maddy said

"Aw Maddy,you know I'm a call or a text away and I don't mind coming over or you coming over"

"Yeah I know,I just know you like being with Miguel and I don't want to interrupt...something" she said with a weird look on her face causing me to laugh.

"Yeah and without you y/n,I would get bullied badly even though I still do,you make it more better" Tris said,I looked at Tris in awe

"Aw well I try,Miguel is doing better on controlling his anger-

"Pffft" Tristan did while maddy laughing, "don't you hear what he says to me? Yeah doing better my ass"

Tristan quickly stopped laughing when he felt tight grips on his shoulders,his eyes widen. "Talking about me huh?" Miguel said

"Your girlfriend started it!" He said,miguel chuckled before looking around.

"Where's Mason?"

"Probably making out with y/n's aunt" Maddy said,i nudged her with a disgusting face.

"Mase let's go!" Miguel yelled,Mason came out the kitchen.

"Can we bring your aunt?" Mason asked looking at me

"Um no,she has things to do" I said standing up causing the others to do so,Mason sucked his teeth before we all said bye to my aunt and left the house.

We hopped into Miguel's truck and made our way to go eat, "thanks for taking us out mikey" Maddy said

"Of course,mads...not like I'm being forced or anything" he said side eyeing me

"Shut up" I said before laughing,

"Hey Tris,want the aux?" Miguel asked,Tristan looked at Mason then at Maddy,

"Wait,you serious?" Tris said

"Yeah why not?" He said looking through the review mirror to glance at Tristan,I turned my head and looked at him as well.

Tristan smiled at me before taking the aux from the front to play music,Tristan was surprised that miguel said a nice thing to him and I knew Miguel does it cause he wants to show Tristan that he doesn't hate him,he just likes bullying the boy.

And also because he does it for me,Miguel looked at me with a light smile before kissing my knuckles.Mason then put his arm over Tristan shoulder as they scrolled to pick a song which made me and Maddy smile.

Hey guysssss,how's it going my beautiful angelsss😁

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