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I ran downstairs to my living room seeing my parents cuddling on the couch, "dad I need you to come with me it's an emergency " he asked no questions and quickly got up.

We ran outside and started quickly running to y/n's house, "wanna tell me what's going on?" My dad asked,

"Brady is at y/n's house who knows what his intentions are and y/n's mom can be in danger" I said out of breath,

We finally made it there and quickly went to the back,we saw how the back door glass was completely broken into pieces.My dad went in first as I followed him,

"Okay you check upstairs while I stay down here if anything alright?" My dad said,I nodded before walking upstairs.

I checked Maria's room first,her closet was open as clothes were scattered on the floor.I noticed her bathroom door was shut,

I slowly made my way to the door and grabbed the knob peeping how it was locked,I go on my knees to look through the crack under the door.

I saw feet,dark blue painted toes.Maria always has her nails painted that color,I got up and knocked on the door. "Ma" I whispered, "it's mikey"

"Mikey?" I heard her respond,

"It's me open up" I heard movement before I was swing around and punched in the face,I groaned as I touched my cheek.I looked up seeing brady.

"You asshole! What the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled at him,

"What are you doing here!?" He said,i pushed him before landing a good hit on him. "Y/n doesn't belong with you!"

I kneed him in the stomach making him fall to his knees as he groaned of pain,I punched him upwards in the face causing him to fall back to the floor.

"Get up bitch" I spat,he raised his head at up with a glare before sitting up.He grabbed my ankles pulling them forwards causing me to fall onto the floor,I groaned as I hit my head.

He then hovered over me as he pulled something out of his pocket,I tried my best to catch my breath.I felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach.I screamed

"No!" I heard coming from behind me before seeing brady getting pushed off of me,I saw maria pushing him against the wall and banging his hand harder on the wall that had a pocket knife in it,my vision started getting blurry.

My dad came in and saw what was happening,He nudged Maria to step aside so he can handle brady,Maria rushed over to me seeing the damage brady did to my stomach "oh my god mikey! Y/n is gonna be so pissed" she grabbed her phone that was on the bed and dialed 911


i was downstairs with Wendy pacing back and forth bitting the skin of my nails as Wendy was doing the same,her phone then rang causing us to both stop, she quickly grabbed her phone.

"Hello?" She answered

"Who is it?" I whispered to her but she ignored me,

"Maria you okay! gracias adios!" She said,making me sigh out relief.Then her eyes widen before looking over at me, "o-okay we'll be there" she said before hanging up,

"They coming back?"

"Y/n..miguel has been stabbed" she said as tears start to form in her eyes,my heart stopped beating for as sec.I froze staring at Wendy who had the same look on her face,

I was furious..


Wendy and I ran into the hospital,Wendy quickly asked for miguel and what room he was in.When they told us Wendy held my hand as we started sprinting to the room number.

We found it and swing the door open,seeing miguel in bed with his dad and my mom. "Hijo" Wendy said letting me out of her grip as she rushed to miguel,

"Ma" Miguel said as Wendy held his hand,

"Mami" I said walking to my mom and hugging her tightly,She caressed my head before kissing my forehead.

"What the hell happened" I said as I let go of my mother.

"Brady was in your room and I'm guessing heard miguel,they started fighting and he stabbed mikey with a pocket knife" my mom said,I scoffed

"Where's that asshole now?" I asked

"The cops are dealing with him" Miguel's dad said,why on earth would brady go to my house? He must've lost his god damn mind,I hope they let me see him so I can get revenge for miguel.

Miguel then turned his head to look at me as he reached his other hand out,I smiled while tears fell.I laid my hand in his feeling him giving me a tight squeeze, "can y/n and I be alone for a bit?" Miguel asked,

They all nodded before getting up and heading out the room, "I'm so sorry babe-

"No don't be,I went in there cause I wanted to save your mom..she's the only one you have left and she's a great woman" he told me,I sniffed as I sat down on a chair next to him.

"Did he tell you anything?" I asked him

"He just said that you don't belong with me but I believe you look pretty next to me" he said with a smile,I chuckled.He put his hand on my cheek caressing it,

"How's the pain?" I asked him,I can't imagine how he felt when he got stabbed.

"Hurts like hell but I'll thug it out" he winked,I playfully rolled my eyes.He can still make jokes out of him being injured which is why I love him cause how he has a sense of humor.

"Can you do me a favor?" He said


"Dame beso" he said,referring to 'give me a kiss'.I looked at him confused "come on or I'll die" I sucked my teeth before leaning in and laying my lips on him.I finally pulled away as he smiled at me, "yeah you better listen to what I say"

"What am I? A dog?" I said

"Yeah my bitch" he said in a low tone while wrapping his fingers on my throat as I giggled,he can still make me nervous. "Mm I still have that effect huh?" He said not moving his hand

"Oh shut up" I said laughing,he pulled me in with the hand on my throat giving me a wet passionate kiss.

He pulled away letting me go, "when can you come home?" I asked him

"Tomorrow or in two days" he said,god and we have school still plus we couldn't even do our sleepover.

"We couldn't even have our sleepover" I told him,

"I know mami but maybe when I get out of here you can stay over for more than one night,you like that?" I nodded smiling at him, "I love you"

"I love you"

Blessing y'all rn,hope you liked

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