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"Brady?" I said surprised, "you supposed to be locked up" miguel slowly pushed me behind him.

"Well I was but I got bailed and tomorrow from now on i'm on house arrest-

"Mm that's crazy so that means you're gonna stay the fuck away from us" miguel said,in his voice I can tell he was furious seeing brady near me or near us.

"Listen mikey-

"You don't get to call me mikey,did you forget you stabbed me? And crossed boundaries with y/n? What were you planning to do? Hurt her mother?"

"No! I love y/n's mom I wouldn't do-

"What's my mom's name?" I asked him,he was acting like he knew and loved her like miguel does but everyone and their mother knows that miguel truly loves my mom.

"I-I never had a long term conversation with your mom y/n-

"Neither Mason,Tristan or Maddy has but they know it-

"Okay we're missing the point here,what do you have to say to both of us" I said,brady looked a mess.His hair was messy,he had a busted lip and a cut near his eyebrow with wrinkly clothes.

"You don't have to say shit to me..this friendship was over from the moment I left that office after I kicked your ass" miguel said,I sighed. "Come on y/n" he said while grabbing my arm

I didn't refuse,I didn't say anything.I went with miguel away from brady to continue the day,


"Brady is here?!" Tristan said,we were at lunch talking and decided to break the news to them before they see him roaming the halls.

"Want me to kick his ass? I'll kick his ass" Mason said,Mason was the most pissed one besides miguel.Miguel is like his brother and he will do anything to protect his brother's girlfriend and him,

"If anyone is kicking ass it should be me" Maddy said,we all looked at each other with a confused look

"Yeah um,no" Mason said,I giggled along with miguel

"you can't even fight y/n what makes you think you can take Brady? He can flick your forehead and you're down" Tristan said,

"I have a taser" she said

"See that's better" Mason added, "but what are we gonna do about him? Cause I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy"

"Shut the fuck up you weirdo" Tristan said

"Now I know why you always fight with miguel,you don't shut up" Mason said,Tristan eyes widen

"I don't shut up? 'I kNoW A gUy wHo kNoWs a gUy-

"Can both of you shut the fuck up" miguel said,they both did as I chuckled causing Tristan to look at me "say something to her I dare you" Tristan put his thumbs up and shook his head.

"We are gonna leave him alone,we're not gonna keep poking him.If he does anything to hurt any of us,we will defend each other alright?" Miguel spoke

"Expect for Tristan though right? Cause he's on my last nerve" Mason asked

"I don't even do anything-

"I just don't like the way you be walking-

"Bro what-

I chuckled to myself while face palming, "anyways! Y/n do you want to do a girls night this Friday? I invited my friend Becca" Maddy asked

"Yeah of course!"

"Um! Hello boyfriend here! What am I gonna do Friday night?" Miguel said

"You gonna have boys night with them" I said pointing at the two who still are fighting,miguel scoffed.


i made it home with Miguel,he wanted to check on mom.We walked in not seeing mom anywhere downstairs so we were guessing she's upstairs in her room resting,

We both walked to my mom's room seeing the door closed,I cracked it open seeing mom in bed with the fan on, "ma? How you feeling?" I asked her

"Hey mis niños,how was school?" She asked us,miguel then flopped on her bed next to her.I laughed

"It was good ma but you won't believe who showed up" miguel started,my mom gave a look for him to continue. "Brady"

"No fucking way,did you kill him?" She asked miguel,miguel chuckled at her question.

"Was planning to but your daughter was there so I couldn't or I will get killed" my mom laughed,

"Ma Maddy invited me for a girls night out with one of her friends Becca so I was asking to go?" I asked,my mom then sat up against her headboard

"As long if I can come with" she said,miguel sucked her teeth.I nodded

"Ma is going too?? Who's next my mom?"

We laughed at miguel as my mom's phone dinged as a notification,her laugh died down as she read the message. "Ma?" I said trying to get her attention,miguel looked over at me confused.

She looked up from her phone, "your grandma texted me"

"About what" I asked,she reread the message before answering.

"Your dad showed up to their house.."

Miguel instantly got up and looked over at me,my dad is once again trying to get in contact with my mother and I but this time he's getting far.Normally,my mom or my grandma will get calls or messages from him but he never showed up to their house.

"If he showed up to their house he can show up here" my mom said starting to panic,miguel quickly rushed to her to comfort her.

"It's okay ma,my dad and I will have an eye around the neighborhood..and I will take care of y/n on school grounds" Miguel told her,my mom lightly smiled at him as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks mijo,but what if he shows up to your house? He knows your close with her" my mom asked

"No worries,I gotten stabbed I can deal with him" he said with a smile,my mom laughed getting her mind off of it.

"Either way,if he tries to find a way in we're safe" she said while getting up from bed,

"What do you mean?" I asked,she opened her closet and grabbed a box from the upper shelf before placing the box on the bed.

She took the top off before looking at Miguel and i, "you guys can look" she said

Miguel and I exchanged looks before moving to the box and looking inside,I gasped as Miguel jaw dropped. "Mami" I said

"Oh nice ma," Miguel said in shocked but impressed,

"Where did you get a gun and two pocket knifes?" I asked her.

"Mija you know I know people,ever since the brady incident it reminded me that we need stuff in the house to protect us.It broke me seeing Miguel getting stabbed and I thought you will be angry with me" she said

"Ma Miguel got stabbed cause of brady not cause of you,I wouldn't be mad.He tried to save you" I told her while walking over to her,she smiled at me

"Thank you hija" she said as we hugged each other,

"Not to ruin a beautiful moment but..can I have one of these pocket knifes?" Miguel said

Kinda want to focus on the mom and y/n right now,Miguel is obviously involved but forget brady rn😭

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