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It was time for school,Miguel was worried cause he has to face the cuts for 3rd period so most likely he's gonna have detention,He's more nervous about lunch cause he misses his friends.

I gotten ready for school as Miguel was picking me up,I went downstairs and saw my mom smiling at her phone at the table.

"What's funny? I wanna laugh" I told walking up to her,she looked up at me before sucking her teeth and smiling.

"Mind your business" she said looking back at her phone,I chuckled at her before sitting down and eating my breakfast. "Guess who's birthday is coming up" she said putting her phone and smiling,

"Yours ma" I said playfully rolling my eyes,

"I know! I'm getting old ugh,but who's birthday is after mineeee" she said dragging the e,I sighed not wanting to say it. "La princesa!" She clapped her hands

"I know I'm going to be 17!" I said in shocked,she nodded her head.


i was talking to Tristan in home room,he was telling me that he doesn't really believe Brady anymore.

"I spoke to miguel last night,we're good.My mom was right you know?.Why is Brady trying to break us up?" I said to Tristan,

"Honestly I feel like he's jealous that miguel is with you,I don't get why though I mean he apologized to miguel after the fight and does this so it's not looking good for him at all" Tristan stated,


miguel came to 3rd period and got scolded by the teacher on why she barely has seen him,he made up an excuse but still got detention.Destiny was still drooling all over him and when she heard that miguel and I weren't on good terms she was waiting to see him again,

But when she saw him walk over to me to give me kiss she gave me a dirty look before looking away,It was lunch time and I was sitting with Mason,Tristan,Maddy like always.

"You think he's actually gonna come and sit over here?" Maddy asked me,I nodded at her

"I'm fine with him now,plus you guys also feel like Brady was lying." I told them,I then saw miguel slowly walked into the cafeteria he looked nervous and anxious.

He looked around then at our table,I grinned and waved him over as he gave me a soft smile before walking over.He then sat next to me before I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his,

He started gently rubbing my arm while looking at his friends, "hey guys" he said in a low tone.

"Hey man we missed you" Mason said,that made miguel more comfortable cause he thought they wouldn't speak to him.

"I missed you guys too,I don't know it's been weird without talking to y'all" miguel said,he then wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer.

"Yeah I know it was weird not having an asshole on my ass 24/7" Tristan said making us laugh,brady was alone and noticed miguel was with us.He just shook his head,

I looked at miguel who was looking at brady, "hey leave it alone okay?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah I know" he said still looking at him,


we decided to hang out at mason's to get the group back together besides brady since we aren't cool with him anymore.

"Bro are you dumb?!" Mason yelled at Tristan while they played their game,miguel was watching them and also commenting on their actions and skills on the game while Maddy and I spoke on our own.

"I feel better now that we have miguel back,I just wish Brady can think more and actually be mature then try to be petty you know?" Maddy said,I nodded

"Yeah but honestly it's better if we don't speak to him cause I'm worried him and miguel are gonna end up fighting again,and you know how miguel can't control himself even if he's trying to" I responded

"I couldn't think right when Brady told us Andrea called him,I mean we thought he was looking out for you but I guess you can't trust anyone no matter how long you've known them." She said,

"I don't blame you guys,at the same time I had a little feeling in my gut that miguel would not do that to me."

"I know! I mean you see how much he loves you? I never seen him like that," I laughed

"You're so trash mason" miguel said,Mason glared at him before turning back to the screen.

"Shut the fuck up bro you're not helping" Mason replied, "oh my god I'm selling!" He shouted

"Bro pass me the controller I'll show you how it's done" miguel said reaching for Mason's controller but Mason moved himself so miguel can't touch it.

"No fuck off!" Mason said,miguel got up and grabbed it but Mason tighten his grip on it.

"Give it to me dickhead!" They started fighting over it,Tristan looked confused while he looked at Maddy and I,We both shrugged while laughing at their stupidity.

"Y/n get your boyfriend off of me!" Mason shouted,miguel backed off a bit to look at me and point at Mason

"Babe he's not giving me the controller!" Miguel told me,Maddy looked at me while giggling.

"Mira! Stop playing around and take turns" I yelled at them.

"Yeah listen to 'mom' fucker" Mason said sitting up,

"If she's mom then I'm dad so I can whip your ass you asshat!" Miguel said before trying to grab the control and pinching him,Mason started squealing.

I looked at Tristan to do something,he got the hint before dropping his controller and standing up trying to separate them.I stood up and yanked on miguel's ear, "ow ow ow" he said moving away from Mason,

"Leave the kid alone" I said pulling him to the kitchen, "he was playing and you started bothering him" I told him

"Why you defending him?" He crossed his arms,obviously he wasn't serious but at the same time he was.

"I'm being fair" I told him,he chuckled while dropping his arms.

"I like seeing you in mom mode,it's so attractive" he said in a low tone.

"How did you manage to stop being mad to being lovey dovey?" I asked him,he's confusing sometimes.

"Something I learned from you?"

"Excuse me?"

It was alright,I need ideas but hope you liked!

•My best friend• (Miguel cazarez mora book)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin