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Today was finally Miguel's birthday,I wanted to make sure he had a great one this year since it's the first time that I'm his girlfriend on his birthday.I been talking to Wendy if she has anything planned and she said she just had reservations and gifts for him.

I asked her if the group and I can take along,obviously she didn't care so I let the group know.I finished the little finishing touches to my face before I get up and looked at myself at the tall long mirror,

The door cracked open revealing my aunt, "hola ni-oh! Why do you look so pretty for?" She asked

"It's Miguel's birthday" I told her with a smile,

"Aw! Well te pareces a tu mamá" she said with a light smile

"Thanks Tia,I know" I laughed,

"Well have fun okay?" She said,I nodded before she left my room.I wish my mom was still here,trust me I love my aunt but it's my mother who's my other half.

I didn't want to cry about her cause I actually tried with my makeup today so I looked up and took a deep breathe,I grabbed my purse before heading downstairs and out the door.

I locked the front door before heading to Miguel's house,it was basically a surprise for him since he only thinks he's going out with his parents.

I knocked on the door before wendy opened up,her eyes widen as she looked at me up and down. "Wow mija,you know how to clean up nice" she said with a chuckle

"Thank you ma,you look so beautiful!" I responded,she smiled at me before moving out the way so I can walk in.

"Miguel is upstairs dressed,he's just waiting for me to call him down so we can go but you can go up there" she told me,I nodded and thanked her before going upstairs.

I walked up to his door and knocked, "are we leaving ma?" Miguel asked.I didn't answer him,I heard footsteps coming towards the door before the door being quickly swung open. "Ma-y/n?"

"Hey! This dinner also includes me" I said with a smile,he laughed before looking me up and down.

"You look gorgeous-I'm happy you're coming along" he said pulling me in by my hand then pulled me for a hug.

"Obviously" I said sarcastically making miguel squeeze me causing me to giggle and pull away,

"God y/n..you really do look beautiful" he told me,as I stared at him with my eyes squinted making him sigh. "And no I'm not saying you look good just today,you look good everyday-

"Relax! There's no arguments on your birthday" I told him laughing,he gave me a look.

"You say that then you ask your stupid ass questions like if I would love you if you were a cable or if I still have feelings for you"

"Cause you be moving funny" I said walking in his room and sitting on his bed,

"I don't move funny,you just think I move funny" he said looking down at me, "which causes arguments even though I don't take you seriously"

"Well why don't you" I asked,he placed on two rings on a hand before walking up to me.

"Cause you're cute when you're mad" he said with a smirk before leaning down and kissing my forehead as I squinted my eyes at him causing him to chuckle.

"Well hurry up,I'm hungry" I told him,

"Yeah me too,my mom is kinda taking a while to call us down to leave."

"Hm i wonder why-

The door busted open showing Tristan,Mason and Maddy all dressed up "aye! I want steak bro like I'm really in the mood for steak" Tristan said,miguel scoffed and looked at me then back at the group.

"What the fu-how did y'all know I'm going out to eat?" He said,they pointed at me

"Cause mommy told us" Maddy said,I smiled at her before looking at miguel.

"Your birthday is with us" I said,he smiled before looking at the group again.

"Sure" he said causing Mason and Tristan to cheer,


"Oh my god.I love steak" Tristan said before taking another bite,Miguel and I laughed at him.

"Hey listen bro,the gift I got you is absolutely amazing,like no one can top it" Mason said chewing,

"What is it?" Miguel asked,Mason made a 'duh' face while pointing at himself.

"Me!" Causing the table to laugh,Mason laughed along before quickly stopping making a serious face making me laugh more.

"Oh god" Miguel said as his laugh died down,he looked over at me who's sitting next to him. "Want more water?"

"Uh sure please" I said nodding,he then grabbed and handed me his glass of water. "Oh no,that's yours I'll just order another one-

"It's fine,here" he said placing it near me, "Mason can you give me a piece of that bro" he said using his fork to point at Mason's food.

"No!" Mason defended

"Bro it's just a piece!"

"I don't care,it's mine"

"Bro just share-

"No get your own-

"Stop being a baby-

I looked at wendy and his dad who just smiled at the scene of the boys fighting,while Tristan and Maddy kept laughing at their stupidity.

"If you asked for a piece,I would've given it to you" Miguel said,

"Okay so give me half-


"You just said you would give-

"You said no to yours so now I'm saying no to mine-

"It's not a big of a deal-

"Coming from you-

"Alright!" I said getting both of their attention, "stop it,this restaurant doesn't need loud teenagers ruining other people's dinner."



The boys muttered,I just scoffed continuing to eat as everyone did the same.We finally started talking without the boys arguing or Miguel yelling at Tristan for no reason even though I knew miguel wanted to say something but he didn't cause he was in a good mood.

He was spending time with his family and friends,I knew that made him happy especially since the love of his life was right next to him.I felt my phone ring in my purse,I grabbed my purse that was hanging from my chair and dig to find my phone.

As I did,I saw my aunt was calling me. "Excuse me" I said with a light smile before getting up and walking out the restaurant while I answered the call.

"Hola Tia" I greeted her,

"Hola mi niña,I just came back from visiting your father" she said,my mood instantly changed.


I heard my aunt sniffle already making me worried, "tia?" It was a long silence pause,I heard the restaurant door open again before looking back and seeing miguel sending me his pretty smile.

"Hey,wanted to check on you" he whispered as he walked towards me,I gave him a weak smile.His smiled then faded while his eyebrows furrowed "baby what's wrong"

"Niña,tu papà died.." she said before sobbing,

The Robin book will publish when this book is done,as of now I'm putting drafts in it 😁

•My best friend• (Miguel cazarez mora book)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu