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Jackson, Mississippi, Valentines day, 1993

"Hang on, we're almost there," said Freddy, the husband of the woman that was in the passenger seat, screaming, suffering in pain.

"Aahhgg!" his wife, Janiya, screamed in agony. She was on the verge of giving birth in that passenger seat as she gripped the side of the car door.

Freddy pressed on the gas, driving fast, running red lights in the process. In his mind, there was no actual time to stop the car. He was afraid that she would die giving birth if they didn't make it there in time. Her face was pale and bullets of sweat ran down her face. Her breathing was fast, but each time she took a breath, it would hurt.

When they arrived at the hospital, Janiya seemed to fade in and out of consciousness due to intense pain. This almost made Freddy go insane, especially when the doctors wouldn't let him in the room.

As time rolled by, Freddy waited anxiously and impatiently, even checking in every 10 minutes with the doctors to know if his wife was still alive and okay.

An hour–maybe more, Janiya had successfully given birth to beautiful twin boys, both having the face of their mother. They were born exactly 3 months early and 10 minutes apart.

After Janiya and Freddy had their moment with their newly born babies, the doctors took the babies to go examine them for any injuries or anything that could be wrong. When they did–concern had spread amongst the doctors.

"Mr. Rose," the doctor said as he walked into the room. Concern was written all over his face. "We found something strange in their DNA."

Freddy and Janiya tensed up. Freddy glanced at his wife then at the doctor.

"Are you two aware of genes of umm wolves being present in one of the twins?"

Freddy stood up and said, "Uh yeah umm about that, I know this might sound crazy, but I'm a werewolf and that kid could possibly have my genes."

The doctor looked at him with wide eyes.

"Please do not report this to anyone. We could be in serious trouble," said Freddy.

"I didn't know werewolves exist," the doctor mumbled. "Um I-I won't report it to anyone."


After about a week, paranoia struck Freddy. He began thinking about what would happen if the twins grew up and one of them went ballistic. He would spend every moment making sure nothing suspicious happened. Eventually, his paranoia got worse which led the married couple's relationship to tumble down a hole.

"Nothing's gonna happen to our child!" Janiya shouted at Freddy.

They were standing in the middle of the living room, both having anger that was spreading about in the atmosphere.

"How do you know for sure?! He will be dangerous in the future!"

"You can't go based off of that right now!"

"You seen how I turned out!"

Janiya started sobbing with tear-filled eyes, anger still evident. "I'm so tired of your shit. You wanna abandon your own son just because he's different."

Freddy sighed. "Let's get a divorce."

"What? No. No-"

"I'm done Janiya."


A divorce was filed and a month later, Freddy had full custody of the other twin, Jacobe, the one who was completely human.

Janiya watched Freddy pack all of his things, putting all of things in his car along with Jacobe. Neither of them said a word, just glanced at each other. Freddy gave Janiya a long heated kiss before walking away to get in the car.

"Will you come back?" Janiya asked.

Freddy ignored her and got in the car.

She started to walk towards the car, sobbing. "Freddy?"

He revved up the engine, pulled out of the driveway and drove off into the abyss of not turning back. Janiya collapsed to her knees on the driveway, crying and sobbing as she shouted his name one last time with her hands on both sides of her head.

Running From the Dark | Double Lives Series | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now