The Escape

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"LEAVE ME ALONE" you scream crying. He had grapped your hair so tightly it felt like he was about to rip your scalp off. You kick him in the balls with your knee and he lets go of your hair, so you run to the bedroom to grab the bag you had prepared a long time ago. He follows you and tries to grab you by your waist and pick you up, but you were fast enough to dodge him and run out the room.

You head to the front door but again he's faster than you, gripping your wrists and spinning you around, pinning you against the closed door. "You're not going anywhere without me" he growls, a dangerous look on his face.

You close your eyed in fear, expecting him to beat you up one again. He forces a kiss on you, biting so hard on your lower lip that it starts to bleed. Your whimper from the pain, more tears running down your face.

Eventually he lets go of you, but locks the door and shoves the key in the pocket of his jeans. You can make out a quiet "pathetic" escaping his lips as he scoffs. "I'm gonna make some dinner now, don't you dare try running away again. We both know that you won't make it anyway. You're nothing without me" he spit out the last words and makes his way to the kitchen.

You are too scared to make a move until he was out of your sight. You allow yourself to release a small sigh of releave before quickly heading to your shared bedroom and closing the door behind you. You had to think of a different way to get out, you couldn't take it anymore.

Why didn't you listen to your Friends back then, they warned you about him, telling you how dangerous he was but you just didn't believe them. You thought he was the one, your soulmate, the one you're meant to be with.

You soon realised that they were right. A few weeks after you moved in with him he started showing his true self. At first it were just simple Things like asking you to not meet male Friends anymore without him. Then he wanted more and more control.

You weren't allowed to follow any men anymore on social media, you had to ask everytime you wanted to meet a friend, even if it was a girl, he Chose what you were allowed to wear and so on. Eventually you had to stop going out alone at all. He made you quit your job, so you wouldn't have an excuse anymore to be out alone. The only time you got to get out of the Apartment was when you met your parents.

They didn't notice anything because you were still caught in the thought that all of that was normal. He did hurt you already, hitting you in spots that were easy to cover up whenever you disobeyed him. Not so long after he also started beating you up in places where it was more noticable, meaning you got to see your family less so they wouldn't see your bruises.

You noticed just now that you never got to meet his family. Maybe they broke conatct after he was released from Prison, knowing he wouldn't change. You knew he was in Prison, it should have been you enough of a warning, but back then you belived he changed, that he wasn't a monster anymore.

You tried to run away before, when you were alone. You called the police, but when they came he was already back home, convincing them everything was alright. He could be so persuasive and innocent looking in front of others, but when you were alone with him he could turn into your worst Nightmare.

Your apartment was on the second floor so jumping out the window was pretty dangerous. But what other option was there? You needed to get out as quickly as possible, knowing that he could drug your food, like he did before, so you wouldn't fight back so much when he forced himself onto you.

You open the window, looking down. There were some bushes that could soften your fall a bit. You chleched your fists together, closing your eyes for a second and taking a deep breath. You had to.You decide to throw your backpack down first before jumping right after it.

The landing was harder than you expected, as you crashed right trough the bushes and straight onto the floor, leaving you breathless for a few seconds. Your whole body was aching really bad, bruises and cuts scattered all over your skin, your clothes ripped. Blood was dripping down on your arms and legs, turns out the bushes had thorns. But you didn't have time to care now, you had to get up and run. He could notice your absence any second and if he found you it would be your death for sure.

You get up as fast as your body let you, groaning at the pain. You picked up your bag and decided to head for the next bus stop, hoping to find some people to help you or a bus being there by any chance.

You run as fast as the pain allowed you to, leaving a small trail of blood behind you. You hear screams in the distance, knowing he now noticed your absence.It scares you to death, you try to run faster but your body was already pushed to it's limits.

Just as you hear him screaming behind you and running up to you, you spot a car approaching from in front of you. You scream and try to wave your bruised arms, inhaling sharp through gritted teaths at the pain it causes you.

The driver slows down to a stop and you hurry to get to the car. Although you don't know the woman behind the steering wheel, you hop in. She was you last and only chance. You close the door and she speeds up, leaving your ex behind.

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