Chapter 33

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Finally, it was Ranboo’s birthday. Tommy had waited for seemingly forever for the day. He could barely conceal his excitement. Tommy left Awesamdude’s floor with Ranboo’s present in hand. He couldn’t wait to give it to him, Ranboo would love it. Tommy got home that night with the gift hidden behind his back. Tubbo’s head popped out of their bedroom and he grinned. Tubbo went over to Tommy and held up a purple patched cat plush. 

“Oh my god! You fixed it? Ranboo’s been looking for that for months, he’s totally gonna love it!” Tubbo looked down at the little plush they’d won Ranboo at an arcade years ago. Ranboo treasured it, but he lost it four months ago and had been borderline depressed since. Tommy pulled out his gift for Ranboo and showed Tubbo. It was a purple hooded cloak with a crown stitched onto the hood. It was a bit thick because it had a thick layer of Kevlar to make it bulletproof. It also had little light purple stars on it for detail. It was made out of some fabric that made it waterproof. 

“Woah when the fuck did you make that?” Tubbo looked it over and Tommy shrugged. 

“At work. I sometimes work with Awesamdude so I’ve been working on this while there as a side project.” Tubbo grinned and felt the cloak, seemingly impressed by Tommy’s creation. 

“He will adore that, it’s just his style and to him it’ll be super light but enough weight to ground him.” Tommy nodded and folded it up again, going over to the coffee table with Tubbo to put their gifts for Ranboo in a cardboard box. They always did it like that, put both their gifts in the same box and didn't tell Ranboo who got him what to see if Ranboo could guess. They'd tried it on Tubbo and Tommy too but they always guessed right. 

“What time does he get home?” Tubbo looked at his phone as he taped the box shut. They usually decorated the box, but Tubbo had foolishly assigned Tommy with getting wrapping paper, so obviously it wasn’t done.

“We have about 2 hours with traffic. We could do a bit of life saving in that time.” Tubbo walked over to his desk and opened one of the drawers, pulling out his radio. Tubbo turned it on and put a headphone on to listen to it privately.

“Tubs, we’re not leaving 2 hours before he gets home. That’s asking for trouble.” Tubbo rolled his eyes and perked up a bit.

“There’s a huge fight on Willows street. Come on Tommy, if we hurry we can make it.” Tubbo set the radio down and ran to their room to grab their costumes. He ran back in and gave Tommy his.

“No, Tubbo, it’s a bad idea.” Tubbo started walking off and Tommy grabbed his arm. Tubbo turned back to Tommy, frustrated.

“What is your job?” Tommy raised his eyebrows, caught off guard by the question and Tubbo’s intense stare. “People could be dying, Tom. You’re not going to help because you’re nervous about time?” Tommy held his breath and let go of Tubbo’s arm. Tubbo walked back into the bedroom and Tommy sighed, getting suited up in his costume. They left the apartment 5 minutes later, making their way to Willows street as fast as they could. 

Being able to use his wings as he used to was a dream come true for Tommy. He could stay in the air for almost ten minutes before needing to land again, which was 12 minutes away from his previous record. Of course, he was younger when he could last use them, so he was sure he'd beat his previous best in no time. They landed near the scene of the crime, observing the fight hidden while their ears rang from the gunshots. 

Tubbo signaled Tommy to rush the backline and began shooting tiny needles at the frontlines, knocking them down swiftly while Tommy swooped past and knocked into three people hiding behind bins before they could react. 

The three's heads hit the ground and Tommy rushed over to another small group, who barely had time to look at him before Tommy reached out his arm and knocked them all in the head, taking them down with one swipe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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