Chapter 18

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"So, who's staying here with him?" The three vigilantes looked at Tommy, none of them wanting to make the offer. The Angel had been put on the couch and Tommy was in bed. Both were passed out. One from Eret, the other from his own idiocy.

"Can't we just dress him and put him in a burlap sack? I feel like it'll be much more efficient that way." Ranboo stared at Tubbo and shook his head slowly. It honestly wasn't the worst idea Tubbo had but it was up there.

"I could carry him? It's important we're all there." Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other and shrugged.

"Ok. Go keep an eye on The Angel while we force him into his suit. Maybe tie The Angel up or something, I don't know." Eret nodded and walked out of the room. Meanwhile, Tubbo and Ranboo got to work dressing Tommy in his vigilante suit. Eret looked down at The Angel and huffed.

"You really have everything going for you, hm?" Eret stood in front of The Angel and looked down at him. "A family, good friends, a good job, you have it all. Your only issue is that one teammate doesn't listen to you, and the other is one mistake away from being executed. How does it feel to have put a child in harm's way?" The Angel didn't respond, just as Eret knew he wouldn't. Eret was really talking to himself, but she could imagine what The Angel would respond with.

"So, you took care of Tommy for a while?" Eret looked up at Ranboo and nodded. Ranboo was already in his vigilante outfit. It looked nice for just being a black body suit and a dark purple hooded crop top. And of course, a purple masquerade mask with the eye holes covered in cloth. All three of them had a masquerade mask, it was pretty much the only thing connecting the three to each other. Ranboo walked over to the couch and smiled. "Well, thank you for that. I wasn't around when all of, well, that happened. I'm glad he had someone to help him." Eret hummed and nodded.

"Which of you two hurt him?" Ranboo's posture straightened a bit and Eret raised his eyebrow. "He didn't get kidnapped, so who hurt him to make it seem real?"

"I did." Eret nodded and looked down at The Angel.

"You did good missing all the important bits. Maybe you should take up that offer." Ranboo huffed and smirked.

"Well if you call organs 'important bits' then I'm glad I got the offer and not you." Eret chuckled and walked over to Ranboo.

"Perhaps you're right. I've never exactly been one to study the human body." Eret thought back to what Tommy had said at the warehouse. What else could he do? "Maybe I should start." Ranboo hummed in confusion and Tubbo walked out of the bedroom with his vigilante outfit on. He had his black and yellow fur coat on, as well as his signature dark brown khakis and combat boots, but he wasn't wearing his utility belt or over the shoulder strap with grenades on it. Probably wasn't expecting a fight, Eret presumed.

"Well, if your presence is going to become a regular occurrence I just want it to be known now that being the only one in this apartment with his eyes showing is freaky." Ranboo chuckled and Eret smiled. Eret walked into the bedroom and picked up Tommy.

"Oh good! You made it.." Hellbent's voice trailed off at the sight of one of six vigilantes he'd invited being carried over the shoulder of another.

"Sorry we're late. We had a.. little mishap before we got here." The one in yellow pulled out a chair from the table and the royal one set down the one in red in the chair. Hellbent's smile faltered slightly as he realized the one in red was out cold. The other three sat next to him and Hellbent cleared his throat.

"Well, Skeppy was technically the only one who came on time. You four are early compared to the other guests." Eret situated themself and looked around the near empty table. Hellbent was at the head of the table and Skeppy was next to him, and across from Ranboo.

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