Chapter 17

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Themis got back to the floor an hour later, after the other three had already went back to their floor to avoid being caught in the act. Themis sighed in relief at seeing Tommy and walked over to him.

"You shouldn't just run off like that kid. We looked everywhere for you. Where'd you go?" Themis crouched down in front of Tommy and Tommy set his phone down.

"Well, I went to Minorities floor and then we came here after like half an hour. Been here since." Themis pulled out his phone and typed something down. He then stood up and sat next to Tommy.

"You should've texted at least. You scared Wilbur half to death. The Angel immediately freaked out and is now flying all over the place looking for you. Wilbur decided to check all 30 floors and I was following him for a while before I decided you'd come back here eventually. Unfortunately we were on the first floor and Wilbur was using the elevator so I had to walk up the stairs." Tommy hummed and picked his phone back up, continuing to play solitaire. He seemed to have an addiction with it recently.

"Well you guys should stop fighting all the time. I'm gonna keep leaving every time you all fight." Themis's ear flicked down and he looked at Tommy confused.

"We don't fight all the time." Tommy rolled his eyes as he thought back to Ranboo's attitude this morning. Everyone seemed to be getting more and more angry recently. Even he was finding himself to be more spiteful. "Is everything alright Tommy?" Tommy frowned and turned his phone off. He lost his solitaire game and now he was pissed.

"Fine." Tommy stood up and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Correction, accidentally slamming the door behind him. Tommy looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. Everything was fine. He was fed three times a day, which made him feel like throwing up but he would never mention it. He got space and sleep whenever he asked for it, he was never pestered by The Angel like Themis and Wilbur were. But he didn't have his friends. He didn't have someone next to him in bed for him to latch onto if he had a nightmare. He didn't get to wake up to Tubbo clacking away on his laptop. He didn't have Ranboo's homemade spaghetti three times a week. Ew. Tommy was homesick.

The realization made Tommy groan and cover his face in his hands. He didn't need Tubbo and Ranboo. The was a knock on the door. Tommy glared at the door and flushed the toilet, then washed his hands as if he'd gone to the bathroom to actually go to the bathroom. Tommy turned off the sink and opened the door. The Angel was on the other side of it and he smiled gently at Tommy.

"Do you want to talk about it or do you want space?" Tommy frowned slightly and shrugged. The Angel looked calm and understanding but Tommy wouldn't doubt if that was a facade. There was a right and wrong answer.

"There's nothing to talk about." The Angel's smile faltered but he was quick to fix it. That was definitely the wrong answer. Tommy was so fucked.

"Right. Would you join in our discussion then? You don't have to talk but it'd be nice for you to be there." Tommy grimaced subtly and nodded. He wanted nothing more than to do absolutely anything else. The Angel walked to the living room and Tommy followed. Wilbur and Themis we're sat on the couch, Themis looking at the back of the couch and Wilbur looking at the kitchen. The Angel stood in front of the couch and mattress and Tommy laid on the mattress. His stomach hurt from Hbomb's prodding earlier. It was like an hour ago but it still hurt, he can complain in his own mind if he wants to.

"Ok so, how many people currently in the tower know about Themis's friend?" Everyone looked at The Angel and Wilbur sighed.

"From my count, 8. That includes you, Me, Tommy, Themis, Captain Puffy, Nihachu, and Warper. Wait no that's seven. Oh well Halo knows too cause we fought in front of him." Themis furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Wilbur.

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