Soon the professor entered the class and started his lecture.
During his explanation, sophia couldn't help but eye the blonde guy beside her. How carefully he was noting down each and every point and listening with great focus. He must be really into his studies.
Sophia wasn't a state rank holder or any such. She had decent grades and understood topics at her own speed. She studied but at times she gets herself stressed out even tho she is gonna perform better than the class.

The bell rings indicating the end of the class. They had two more classes to attend. Thankfully since it's just the start of the semester, there wasn't much workload but they knew it was gonna increase in the coming years.

Sophia as always was the last one to leave the class. While she was exiting the class, she saw a group of people surrounding Kyle and from far she could figure out how uncomfortable he is feeling.

"For fucks sake give me a break" she curses under her breathe and moves towards the small crowd.
She saw how kyle was holding back his tears. He must not like this much attention on him. Sure he is the sunshine of the class. Heck probably the entire universe. But don't people understand the concept of personal space or what?

"So Kyle you trynna make a move on sophia or what?"
"Yeah what's your goal? Planning on taking her to your bedroom next?" Few guys and girls laugh at this statement.

"Whether he takes me to the bedroom or not, i'll surely book your room in the hospital if you speak shit or even go near him again." Sophia says from behind which scared the entire crowd. She was literally giving them the scariest death stare and within seconds they all ran for their lives.

The silence between the blondie and the mahogany haired was like shivers running down the spines. After sometime kyle spoke.

"T-thank you f-for helping me once again. I just get really intimidated and scared when i'm surrounded by so many people" he says while he is trembling.

"No problem, next time if you wanna hug me then choose a more isolated place. People really tend to make stuff up a lot so be careful." She casually says and kyle..well the poor guy just turned fifty shades of pink.
"Come on let's walk to class, or are you gonna stick your feet to the floor for the whole day or what?" Again with the same casual tone, she says and kyle gathers himself.

"Uh y-yeah let's go." He shyly says as he walks beside her.
"You were acting all sassy with me a few hours back and then I see you being the most soft and scared creature."
"Well i can change my demeanor when situation demands."
"I see"
Both of them walked in silence towards their next class which was business statistics. God Sophia hated anything which involved numbers or weird looking symbols. Not entirely terrible with numbers but definitely not the best either.
Kyle saw her sullen face and chuckled. What emotionless bullshit. She clearly knows what emotions are.

"Is there something written on my face that is so funtn?" She asks with her eyebrows crashing together and kyle immediately shut his mouth.
"Like i said before I don't bite you can tell me."
"Well u-um it's just that it was cute seeing your face getting all sad when it comes to business statistics. You must not like numbers?" He giggled at the end and sophia swore her heart flipped multiple times. How can a human have such a beautiful laugh.

"Well it is annoying looking at these weird swirly symbols and ancient shit."
Kyle started laughing. Did she just call the formulas ancient swirly symbols?
"It's actually not that bad, you just need to practice. Plus it is interesting once you get to know it."

"Pfft whatever i will never enjoy anything with maths" she scoffs and enters the class as he follows her.

"Wait I can't sit with you? Why not!" He whines
"Well this class has assigned seats can't help it"
"But i wanna sit with you pleasee"
"Oh god then go kill the professor, don't annoy me"
"Pffft you like it when i annoy you~
"Good afternoon class, this will be your last class as your professor  has gone on leave so your next class is canceled and you can go home after this. Now take your seats and let's start the class."

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