"You don't have to know. Death Wave" Naruto before sending a dark wave at at the two.

When they got hit they died instantly.

After that Naruto pocketed the scroll that was on Shigure.

After getting the scroll. He decided to look for his teammates.

After a while he found them

Naruto arrived to see. Sasuke and Lee were unconscious, Sakura was badly beaten and bleeding, Choji looked beaten up but was on his feet, Ino was passed out and being held by Shikamaru who looked relatively unharmed. The area they were in was torn up and all the trees around the clearing were missing branches from heavy hits.

Naruto was about to intervene until Sasuke rose up covered in purple chakra and had strange marks covering half of his body.

'Sakura, who did this to you?' He asked in a calm voice.

'We did and you're going to experience the same thing they did.' Boasted one of the sound ninja.

'Zaku no wait!' Cried Dosu

'Slicing Sound Wave!' yelled Zaku while blasting air out of his palms at Sasuke, Sakura and Lee. When the dust cleared nothing was there.

'See Dosu nothing to worry about.' Said Zaku before Sasuke appeared behind him and struck him with his forearm sending him flying. Sasuke appeared behind him and grabbed his arms with his foot on his back.

'You seem very proud of these arms, very attached to them.' Said Sasuke while pulling his arms.

'W-what are you doing?' asked Zaku before crying out in pain due to having his arms dislocated.

'Looks like you're the only one left.' Stated Sasuke before walking to Dosu.

'No stop!' Yelled Sakura before clamping onto Sasuke from behind. 'Please stop.' She whimpered.

Sasuke turned, looked at her and the marks begun to recede,

'You are strong, in fact too strong for us.' Said Dosu in pain. 'We will make a trade, we will give you our scrolls if you spare us.' Said Dosu.

'Keep it.' Said Naruto as he appeared while holding the scroll he obtained.

'Very well but next time we won't run from you. We will fight.' Said Dosu while picking up his teammates and then leaving.

"Naruto you are alive. I saw you die how is that possible." Sakura said surprised

Sasuke was also surprised.

"That was just my clone that died." Naruto lied

Shikamaru and Sasuke could tell he was lying.

"Let's get going to the tower' Naruto said before putting a hand on both Sakura and Sasuke's shoulder

He disappeared with both of them.

"Just what was that dark chakra the Uchiha was using. And why did Uzumaki lie." Neji thought

Neji and Tenten came down from the tree they watching from. They took Lee and left.

After resting a while team 9 also left.

With Naruto

They arrived at the tower
Sakura told Naruto what happened about how Orochimaru ambushed them, how Sasuke had gotten bitten and how she tried fighting of the sound Ninja until Lee and team ten arrived.

'Sakura know this, if you don't train you are only a burden to this team.' Said Naruto.

Sakura was going to retort but Naruto's until told her.

'Sasuke will become more interested in you if you become stronger.' Naruto whisperd in her ear

"We should go inside" Naruto

"Ok" Sasuke

They entered to find a scroll with writing on it hanging from the wall which Sakura started reading. 'If qualities of heaven are your desire, acquire wisdom to take your mind higher. If earthly qualities are what you lack train your body and prepare to attack. When heaven and earth are open together, the perilous path will be righteous forever. This something is the secret way the guides us from this place today.' She finished.

Something?' Questioned Sasuke.

'It looks like there is a word missing or something.' Replied Sakura. 'I think it means we should open the scrolls now.'

Naruto and Sasuke opened one each. The scrolls exploded into smoke and in the smoke there was a man. They waited for the smoke to clear until the person was visible.

'It's you.' Said Sasuke.

'Hey guys long time no see.' Said Iruka smiling.

Naruto The Dark MageWhere stories live. Discover now