Chapter Two: The Princesses Internal Conflict

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Back in Selunis, Adira sat atop the highest spire of the elven palace, it was her place to escape for way no one dared to bother her up there. From her perch, she could see the entire kingdom stretching out below her from the shores of Starlight Sea where all the mermaids and sailors hang out to dance and the large fields of Starfall Meadow where the fairies make the best fresh honey and fruits to the outstretch shores of Brightwater where despite its bright name houses all of the sirens and dark mermaids and the Shadowmere caves where the most beautiful gems and stones are found and mined by the sweet grumpy trolls and dwarves. It was a beautiful kingdom and she had spent her entire life here but she never really went outside of the castle walls because her mother wanted her to stay inside away from those who wish to harm her for her magic.

Despite the beauty of her homeland, Adira's thoughts were consumed by the fallen angel she had met the night before. She closed her eyes and could see his face clearly in her mind, his dark eyes filled with a pain that she could not fully comprehend and yet, she felt drawn to him in a way she had never felt before.

Suddenly a loud screech interrupted Adira's reverie, and she opened her eyes to see a pair of hawks circling above her. As she watched, the birds began to plummet toward the ground in a death-defying display of aerobatics, their wings mere inches from each other as they spiraled downward.

Adira felt her heart racing as she watched the birds perform their dangerous dance. It was as if they were playing a game of life and death, a game that Adira herself felt caught up in with her forbidden love for Kai.

As the hawks soared back up into the sky, Adira made a decision. She knew that helping Kai regain his wings and find redemption could mean defying her people and risking everything she held dear. Adira's love for her people was strong, and she knew that her actions could have serious consequences. Despite her growing feelings for Kai, Adira couldn't let herself forget the needs of her people. She struggled with the internal conflict, torn between her duty and her heart.

Down below Kai was on top of Serenity Peak. One of the most beautiful mountains in all of Selunis, it rises high above the kingdom and is often where angels and creatures with wings go. It is said that the mountain has been blessed by the gods, and its serene and peaceful energy attracts those seeking spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. At the summit of the mountain, there is a tranquil meditation garden filled with peace lilies and white poppies, surrounded by a ring of ancient stones with inscriptions on them. It is a sacred place where many have found solace, guidance, and inspiration. The air is pure and crisp, and the surrounding landscapes offer breathtaking views of the kingdom below. Kai had his wings spread out behind him. Adira was watching him and knew he was lost in thought, contemplating his past and the decisions that had led him to this point.

She couldn't help but feel conflicted as she watched him. On one hand, she was drawn to him in a way she couldn't fully explain. His fallen angel status only seemed to make him more intriguing, more alluring, but on the other hand, she knew that her duty as the princess was to protect her people and uphold their traditions and her people would never accept a relationship between her and a fallen angel. She continued to watch him as he would open up his wings and catch flight just to fall back down. She looked closer and noticed that part of his left wing was damaged, he was hurt and yet he continued to try to fly.

As Adira watched Kai struggle to fly with his broken wing, a part of her couldn't help but ache for him. She knew what it was like to feel lost and alone, and she wanted to help him find her way back to the light. Adira couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards him, but she pushed those feelings aside knowing that her duty to her people comes first.

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