Quaritch barely gives him a second look. "Someone tie his mouth shut."

Kiris blood boils at the remark.
    "You think you can just take whatever you want, kill whoever you want, and get away with it? Eywa won't let you win. You're going to pay for what you've done!"

And now she has the same stern, cold, frightening gaze sent in her direction.

Spider pleads with her to shut up.
    ... At least Tsireya and Aonung have the decency to stay out of direct attention.

Quaritch doesn't waste any time grabbing for Kiris throat, not to harm- but to remind her she belongs in her place.

"My fathers killed you before-" she roughly forces her words out. "-he will do it again."

Spider can barely look at her, guilt filling his entire chest as he knows this is all his own doing.

Loving a father like Quaritch was an incredibly difficult and complex experience.    
    On the one hand, he felt an overwhelming sense of love and loyalty towards him. Or at least, what he believed a parental love should have been like.

He didn't have the best examples of it aside from you and Jake.

Perhaps he even felt a deep sense of compassion for him, knowing that he is struggling with his own demons built on a senseless revenge coming from a man who no longer truly existed.

This clone wasn't him, this body was not him, the avatar that showed it's own form of mercy in letting the sea clans live —- wasn't Quaritch.

However, he was so callous and deeply cruel. Impatient and sometimes acting without a full thought in place.
Selfish and heartless.

Navigating these conflicting emotions, along with the guilt, were incredibly challenging.

All he's felt this past year was torn between what love he thought he had with his assumed father — and his loyalty to the Sully's.
   He was able to prevent so many deaths by pleading with Quaritch, but not the one that mattered most to him.  if only there was something that he could have done to prevent the tragedy.

Quaritchs laugh pulls Spider out of his thoughts — mocking Kiri again with a cruel, mocking sound.
"You're in no position to make threats.
    You're my prisoner, remember?"

"I'll go with you." Spider desperately yells at a last attempt to get him to put Kiri down.
   "I'll follow.
But, please. Don't kill them. Don't hurt them."

Quaritch's ears turn as he focuses on his sons voice, those going off before he even sets Kiri down and walks back over to him.

Quaritch sucks on his teeth as he crouches back down to Spiders level.
   "I won't kill Jake Sully." He admits. "He lost his chance to take the easy way out."

"Boss, we've gotta head out." Lyle voices again. "The general is calling for us."

Quaritch approaches, and seems to communicate perfectly with the Na'vi as he tells them he will be back soon.

Lo'ak watches as they both walk out — and it seems the Na'vi have little interest in sticking around.
   Aside from a few bodyguards that is.

They don't mind pacing around, intimidating the kids every so often.

"Tsireya." Kiri softly speaks to her as they're closest together in their bonds.
   "Where are your parents? What happened?"

She looks between Aonung and Lo'ak at first, the saddest expression hanging on her face.

"I don't remember much." She regrets to admit. "They had us in separate..."

She can't think of the word for a moment, only knowing a select few English terms from Lo'ak.

"The Samsons?" Spider tries to help her out.

"Yes! Yes. They were in a separate one. My father was on the island with his men, below us. Trying to shoot them down into the water."

"Do you remember anything else?" Spider follows up.

"No." She hangs her head. "I'm so sorry. I don't know where they are."

"Tsireya." Aunongs croaks out.
"We will find them, if they don't find us first. I am certain they would have escaped."

Rather optimistic of an outlook. But hell if Spider had to voice that at the moment. It was his first kidnapping, after all.

Lo'ak and Tsireya refuse to look away from one another, lost in each others eyes as they try to soften the fear that clouds over them.

"How do you suggest we do that?" Spider asks.

Aonung is beyond exhausted, bruised, and weakened.
    "I'll figure something out... give me some time."

And although it doesn't show under Lo'ak's cloth that covers his mouth - he frowns in worry. Knowing that while Aonung is the eldest of the Navi kids here - he truly doesn't need to take on such a burden as the leader in this.
   Lo'ak didn't want to risk losing him in the same way he did Niikeym.

It's no use arguing, though.
Even if he could talk through the fabric, he'd only hear protests and determination.

"Tsireya." He calls out to his younger sister again, and their eyes meet as best they can with the way they're angled.
   And it's the first time anyones seen tears fall at this level down Aonungs cheek.
  Not since the funeral, anyway.
   "I promise you. I will get us out. We will see our family again."

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