Chapter 8

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I went inside my class seeing the profesor just keep teaching, I looked for Jenny seeing her waving her hand at me, I went quickly to her and sat next to her seeing as she took her bag off of my seat. I smiled softly "thanks" I whisperd to her looking at the class, "no problem miss love" she sayd in a teasing voice as she smirked at me, I rolled my eyes ignoring her as I then just payd attention to class.

*After Class*

I heard the bell ring as I got up with my stuff I sighed softly as Jenny looked at me with a tired face "that class. Was so fucking boring oh my god" Jenny sayd rolling her eyes "tell me something I don't know." I sayd as I left the classroom with Jenny as we kept talking while walking down the halls to our lockers, I opened my locker and Jenny looked over my shoulder "so.. your into blondes" Jenny sayd smirking, I rolled my eyes once more as I put my books away.

"Don't start" I sayd looking at Jenny with a slight smile "he was so annoying" I sayd as I walked to the next class with Jenny "I know that smile" Jenny sayd smilying as she looked at me shoving me "oh come on." I sayd irritated "let's just go to class" I sayd annoyed "okay, okay, but tell me what you were talking about" Jenny sayd wanting to hear the gossip as I rolled my eyes and walked to my next classroom with Jenny.

*After Class*

"Did that really happen?" Jenny asked not too convinced as she made a weird face at me. "For the fifth time, yes. Just bealive me" I sayd as I looked at Jenny watching her moves as she walked beside me. My shoulder bumped into someone.. new, as I turned around and looked up "hey, watch were your going." I sayd.

I was already pissed off as I then saw a brunette with long hair. He had green eyes as he's eyes soften "sorry" he sayd in a shy voice as he smiled akwardly. I rolled my eyes and kept walking with Jenny, "no need to be so pissy girl" Jenny remarked as she forrowed her eyebrows looking at me with worried eyes.

"Let's just forget what happend today and go and finish our homework" Jenny sayd putting her hand on my shoulder. Smiling softly, I sighed softly as I looked at the ground.

She was right, I shouldn't be involving random people into my pissy mood. Sure I'm still mad but I really have to watch what I say or I might not get along with anybody through my whole university year. I smiled softly lifting my gase looking at Jenny.

"You're right.. sorry" I sayd, blushing slightly feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason, "don't sweat it" Jenny sayd smiling. I was starting to feel happy for having such a good friend..

"When we get to our dorm room I'm ordering us food. My treat" Jenny sayd with a soft smile as we went our way to our dorm room "I couldn't ask for a better friend" I sayd to Jenny with a smile. She just giggled softly as we kept walking to our destination. I never noticed how beautiful her smile was untill now.

But in that moment I remembered.. how I didn't have friends when I was little. And the reasons why I didn't have friends at a younger age.

590 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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