Chapter 3

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I got up quickly as Jenny got up as well she put on her outfit and sweater of Harvard and I did as well both hurried, getting our bags and shoes on we both got out of the dorm room seeing every other student not ready yet and in normal clothes, both confused Jenny and I looked at each other "wait.." I sayd looking at my phone seeing it was Saturday, "it's Saturday Jenny." I sayd and she looked at my phone grabbing it from my hand "oh" she sayd simply going back to the room after a akward laugh since everybody was starring at us and whispering.

"Great know we made a fool of ourselfs" I sayd as I walked around the room putting everything back in order as I took off my outfit for school and putting it back "i'm sorry Y/n" Jenny sayd apologizing looking at me with a guilty sad face "I was just so excited I didn't look what day it was, and know I remember moving is was yesterday in friday since they wanted the students to have time to adapt" sayd Jenny looking up at me watching me walk around the room putting everything back, her stare following my every move.

"It's fine, even though that was a quick dress up" I sayd looking at Jenny and laughing, "so, are you gonna sigh up for any club?" I asked putting my bag away and getting back into my pijamas en sitting on my bed looking at Jenny, Jenny had a thinking face scratching her head "I honestly don't know I mean... there is many clubs, like Cheerleading, Archery, Volleyball, Boxing and Ice Skating I think..." Jenny sayd, then her eyes got back to me "there are many clubs but I just can't get to like process what I wanted go do" sayd Jenny and I got comfterble on the bed.

"There are just to many options.." I sayd, "do you plan on getting in any?" Jenny asked looking at me "I.. think i'll just stick to studying or maybe I could join each one to find witch one I like the most" I sayd looking at Jenny, seeing Jenny start smilying getting up and sitting down beside me putting her arm around my neck again.

"Oh, if you're gonna do that then I will too so I can expirience everything with you, and if you get into any of those clubs maybe i'll join ya so you don't have to be alone" Jenny sayd with a kind smile "aww" I sayd hugging her waist "thats cute" I sayd hugging her tightly as she hugged me back "thats what besties do" she sayd seperating from the hug and putting a hand on my shoulder.

I simply smiled and then I took out my laptop "though I remember I always wanted to be a cheerleader" I sayd opening my laptop "me too" sayd Jenny getting up from my bed and going back to hers and taking out her phone "i'm just gonna watch untill Monday comes" I sayd opening netflix and putting on one of my favorite series on the screen.

*After a while*

"Y/nnnn" Jenny groaned as I watched my series "i'm hungryyyy" Jenny whined and I lightly laughed "get some food then" I sayd as I kept watching the series almost finishing it already "I don't wanna go aloneee" Jenny groaned once again "order something to the dorm" I sayd pausing my laptop and looking at Jenny, as I saw her sad face "order for me and you.. i'll pay" she sayd looking at me with puppy eyes "fine" I sayd grabbing her phone as her sad face went to a happy face "thank youuu" she sayd in a very happy tone and smile looking up at me from her bed as I got the phone on my hand.

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