tw ed + ana kinky meanspo ;)

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"You what?"

Louis twisted anxiously in front of Harry as the dread in his stomach grew. 

Softly, he said, "I, uh, may have bought and eaten a whole bag of cookies."

Harry shook his head, disbelieving and disappointed.

"What happened to a healthy diet? We went over this. This is not okay."

Louis looked at the floor. He didn't dare say anything to further incriminate himself.

"No, I want to hear what you thought."

"I mean," he began, "I just wanted some cookies. And once I'd started, I wasn't thinking about stopping. I do want to lose weight, I swear I do, but I couldn't help myself."

Harry chuckled darkly at that, throwing up his hands. 

"I guess we'll have to take some preventative measures so that you do think about stopping, that you can help yourself. Your eyes forget, but your body remembers." He pulled out a chair. 

Louis' eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Then he found himself horizontal, flung over Harry's lap. The air filled with smacks. He grunted as Harry spanked him again and again, from his position on the chair. 

Smack! Smack! Smack! 

His legs kicked out. He whimpered and moaned.

"You know," Harry said through gritted teeth, continuing to rain down spanks, "Every bite you take, every step you go off your diet, I can see it right here. This ass of yours gives your binges away. This fat, *smack*  plump *smack*  lardy *smack* ass." 

Harry walloped him hard, bringing his arm high up and crashing down again and again. He wasn't keeping count, but he might estimate he'd given around forty spanks. Louis sobbed and sobbed. 

Harry went for his thighs too, but every so often he'd stop and grab them. Louis struggled in shame, knowing what he must look like to Harry. 

As if he could read his mind, Harry said slowly, to let each word sink in, "So much flesh here. I'm going to make it all red. Flaming cherry red splattered across those thick, spilling thighs. Look at that, too big. Splaying out. I'll make that red too."

Completely and utterly mortified, Louis' weight loss resolve grew and grew. 

"Next time we do this again," warned Harry, "I better not see so much thigh here, got it?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"How are you going to make that happen?"

"Healthy diet, Daddy! No binges, more control!"

"Perfect." Harry jiggled Louis' thighs and ass a little. 

"It jiggles so much," he whispered, then resumed the spanking.

Though Louis truly was sorry for breaking his diet, that was long forgotten as his mind was consumed only by the pain that soared out over his whole body. His muscles were tense and aching from holding that position. His cheeks were stained from waves of tears. All he could think about was making the pain stop.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he wailed.

"I know."

"I want to do better!"

"See that you do."

"I won't do it again!"

"You better not, or I'll paddle you within an inch of your life."

Harry finished with a rapid-fire round of spanks that mimicked the beat of a rap song. Louis had stopped bawling and instead only cried weakly. 

"It's over, baby," Harry said softly, his hands changed from terror to love. He stroked Louis' back comfortingly. He sat Louis up on his lap and hugged him, a physical reminder to his body that there was nothing more to be afraid of. 

Louis nuzzled into Harry's shoulder.

"'m really sorry," he repeated. "I feel really terrible inside. I hate it."

"I know, sweetheart. This is a journey. I'm just here to guide you, put you back on the right path. I love you."

"I will lose weight," Louis said anxiously, his scared blotchy eyes straining up at Harry. 

"That's my boy." 

Harry patted his butt reassuringly.

"Thank you," said Louis.

"Of course."

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