in that lavender haze

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   That following Monday, Pierson couldn't have been anymore excited for school, she got ready in a hurry and rushed downstairs with the biggest smile on her face. Everyone noticed, her parents and little brother. "What's up with you Pierson?" Logan asked, all Logan knows is that she kissed someone on prom night but not who. "Oh nothing, I just get to see him today." Pierson tells him which he quickly asks, "And who's him?" Pierson's smile got even bigger if that was possible, "Brent." Logan gasped, "What?" "Logan, leave your sister alone about her boyfriend." "Her boyfriend?" He asked, shocked. Everyone laughed. "I'm glad you're happy sweetie, especially on a Monday." Karin said which they all laughed at. Both Logan and Pierson left for school, one not knowing what was going to happen and the other knew that no matter what, they'd be okay.

It was lunch time. Pierson hasn't talked to all of her true friends since last week when everything went down. They all smiled at her as she walked into the cafeteria and ushered her over. They all got up to hug her and smiled and told her things along the marks of "miss you" and she reciprocated that feeling. Brent walked in and smiled as he ran up and grabbed her face so he could smash his lips against hers. They both felt the other smile in the kiss and laughed as they pulled away. The whole day was amazing. Everyone happy as to what was happening in their lives.

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