Poem 12

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What am I doing wrong?
This question I ask,
With a heavy heart,
burdened with a heavy task.
I try to do my best,
to be kind and true,
But still I wonder,
what else can I do?
Am I not good enough,
do I lack in some way?
Is there a mistake,
that I cannot convey?
Do I not show enough love,
or not enough care?
What am I doing wrong,
is there something to repair?
But the truth is,
we're all human,
and we all make mistakes,
We're not perfect,
and it's okay to have some heartache.
We're all doing the best we can,
with what we know,
And it's important to remember,
that growth can be slow.
So don't be so hard on yourself,
and give yourself a break,
For the journey of life is long,
and not meant to be a race.
And when you stumble and fall,
just remember to rise,
And keep moving forward,
with a smile in your eyes.

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