Bus First Sexual Encounter

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My neighbor Uncle Zhang Qian used to be one of my father's subordinates. After my father retired from the military, he helped uncle Zhang out. Coupled with Uncle Zhang's smart business sense and his hardworking military habits, his lackluster business made a turn for the better. Just last year he made a gamble and emerged victorious earning over 100 million dollars ($15 mill US).

Uncle Zhang is a loyal man; perhaps all of the older generation of military are like this. Because he was grateful for my father's aid, he specially bought a flat next door making him our neighbor. Furthermore, he would treat me extremely well, frequently telling me to come play and secretly giving me money.

Zhang Qian is just like his name: his body lacks (qian) something. During the Vietnam War, he was hit by a bullet in the kidney. Nevertheless my father carried him back on his shoulders. Afterward, because the hospital equipment was too bad, he lost his kidney causing his sexual desire to decline. To this day he has no children so he treats me like his son.

Yet it seems like the heavens are fair, Zhang Qian has a gorgeous wife that cannot be found locally. Her name is Xiao Yun Yun. She has pair of dark clear eyes, full soft lips, a delicate nose, smooth slim cheeks, a face that plucks at your heartstrings, a good figure, elegant long legs, ample and round butt, a mature fragrance, full and towering breasts, and fine silky skin, truly a super-hot extraordinary beautiful woman.

Because she's only older than me by 7 years and the fact that I visit her home frequently, we are very close. She often tells me to come play, maybe to read novels maybe to play computer games.

Sister Yun Yun's literature level is very high. I think it's because of her that my Chinese is stronger than my other subjects. Right now she is my school's literature teacher. She teaches our class Chinese literature and Mandarin. At school I call her Miss Xiao but outside of class I call her Sister Yun Yun.

Sister Yun Yun likes to wear very revealing clothes. She likes to wear airy nylon dresses and high heels but mostly low-cut dresses because she feels like that's the only way to show off her figure. At home she likes to wear skin tight pants and loose T-shirts, usually without underwear. Every time I see her plump butt sway, my 18 cm penis skyrockets up propping a tent.

Uncle Zhang gave Sister Yun Yun a Mercedes Benz but she never drives it to school. She said it would have a bad influence so she would usually ride the bus with me to school. And because I liked to play soccer, she would usually leave school first while I ran to the sports ground. But every time I would come home first and she would leisurely catch up making me really puzzled.

Until one day I found out her secret.

After school finished that day, I got on the bus like I usually did after soccer. At this time it was really crowded.  Just getting on, I was pushed along by the crowd and people just kept cramming in. When I finally found my footing, I saw a young married woman dressed in a provocative manner. She wore a pink skin-tight super short dress. The neck-line of her dress went super low and the neck-line along her breasts was a pretty bow. Her back was pretty exposed too but what made me spray blood was that you could see there were no bra lines on her dress. From the looks of it her two huge breasts must be size E!! I couldn't help but take a look at her face......

Ah! Isn't this Sister Yun Yun! I almost shouted out but I then thought to myself: "Why is she here? Doesn't she usually get on a different bus? Where does she go?"

In the short period I was thinking, I saw Sister Yun Yun's small eyes widen, her white teeth nibbled her lower lip with a pained expression. I about to open my mouth but then I saw a migrant worker a head shorter behind her, digging into her round butt. She kept twisting her butt, her face showing a pained expression. Seeing this caused my blood to boil making my little guy raise up.

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