What's going on in OB?

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Ovenbreak is the older sister game to Kingdom. Recently the updates have been getting a lot of mixed feelings and more negative attention.

The Anniversary update introduced Raid Run which became the bane of ever players very existence. But hey, Posion Mushroom cookie was released and became the first OB cookie to have a voice.

There was Operation Time Fixers and everyone loves the TBD. Timekeeper did win cookie of the year.

After that was Cookie Fashion Week which was very fun. Hot Topic vs Period costumes is always a fun divide.

Then there was The Shadow of the Dunes update. Yeah a lot of people found Yogurca very offensive and the inclusion of a whip and bombs were a bit off-putting. I'm sure most of you know the exact details. 

I'm sensing a very uncomfortable pattern. The intrest and support of OB seems to be fluxuating with every new update. 

With every bad update players boycott the game and with every good update it comes from the Devs trying there hardest to make it up. If the fans react badly to the next big update I don't know what will happen!

I see a new path the OB devs are going down and I can see why. Every update since the anniversary has expanded on older storyline. 

Operation Time Fixers was a return to the TBD, Fashion Week was the return of Choco Bon Bon and Sour Belt, Shadow of the Dunes returned to Yogurca and we got to see Lilac and Yogurt Cream again. The Blue Dragon update is a return to Lotus Dragon cookie. 

This new pattern may be a good thing since the Devs get to further develop on there older characters while keeping it exciting.

With Kingdom- there is a low chance you'll see the current update cookies later in the main story. The most recent old cookie to make an appearence in the story was...

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