Dream interpretation 2

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Oyster cookie dreams of her childhood and confirms a theory many fans have had since the Duskgloom sea update. The theory was that Black pearl cookie and Oyster cookie are connected. 

The black pearl relic in Oyster's special gacha and the 'heart of the deep sea' relic were believed to have come from black pearl cookie. Oyster's story states people believe House oyster is a descendant of mermaids. In the story Caviar points out a house oyster ship placed atop the wreck and says 'maybe your still waiting for the owner'. All those fueled that theory.

Oyster's grandma tells her about the founder of house Oyster and black pearl cookie. Black pearl cookie gives him a pearl and many other treasures to build his wealth. He grew greedy and lied to black pearl saying he was still poor. He eventually sold the precious pearl and black pearl snapped. Black pearl's loading screen says that 'when a mermaid loses her pearl she is cursed to the abyss'.

Black pearl fell in love with The house Oyster founder and perhaps they had a child who was left out of the story since Grandma Oyster didn't want to explain how baby cookies are made to young Oyster cookie or Black Pearl Cookie's child is a scandal they needed to cover up.

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