"I need another drink." Newt managed to say.

"No, you don't. What you need is sleep." You ordered.

"Did you tell her?" Minho asked Newt.


"And? Are y'all getting married?" Minho chuckled.

"No. She doesn't love me back." Newt sounded somber.

I was starting to hesitate. What if he actually meant it? But he couldn't love me. He didn't love me. I was the only girl in the Glade, so except for the other boys, I was his only chance. I was the only girl he ever met, so basically the only girl he could choose of. He didn't love me. He only thought he did.

"I'm bringing you to bed." You grabbed Newt by the arm and roughly pulled you with him.

"Noooo, wait Y/n." Newt tried to pull away, but he wasn't as strong when he was drunk. Normally he could've beaten you easily. "I'm serious."

"No, you're not."

"I like you a lot."

You tried not to tear up. The fact that Newt had to get drunk to be attracted to you hurt. Don't be so lame, you thought. He's just drunk.

"We'll talk tomorrow, Newt." You sternly replied, blinking the tears away. "If you even remember." You added in a mumble.


"God, I feel terrible." Newt groaned as he sat down across from you and next to Thomas.

"Maybe you shouldn't have drank that much." You snapped, not even daring to make eye contact with the boy.

Newt didn't reply and you assumed he started eating. "So, anyone got anything interesting?" Thomas tried to start a conversation.

"No. Nothing." Again, you snapped. The mood you were in wasn't the very best.

"Are you on your ladies day or what?" Newt chuckled. Your eyes opened wide and you felt like punching him right in the face. How dare he ask that after he told you such ridiculous things? Sure, he didn't remember, but still.

"It's your fault." You mumbled.

"It's my fault that you're moody?" Newt asked, offended.

"Yes, you idiot," Thomas added. Then you realized Thomas had heard every single thing from the previous night. It didn't make you feel much better.

"What did I do?" Newt frowned.

"Nothing. Just forget about it." You lowered your voice.

"You told her you loved her." Minho sat down. In disbelief, you stared at him. Did he literally just say that in front of everyone?

"What?" Newt stammered. "No- I- no."

You roughly got up from your seat and with tears in your eyes, you ran into your hut, slamming the door closed behind you. You felt awful.

"Y/n?" A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Immediately you recognized the British accent.

"Leave, Newt."

"Let me in." Newt tried.

"No." You tried to hide the pain in your voice.

"Come on, Y/n. I only want to talk." Newt continued arguing.

"About what? Talk about why you told me you loved me? Can't you just say stuff like that when you're shucking sober?!" You raised your voice.

"All right." Newt sighed. "I'm sober now." He started. "Y/n. I love you. I have been doing that for a long time now."

Your breathing hitched. Did he seriously mean that? Or was he just playing around?

"Y/n. I'm serious. I get that you might be angry and don't like me back, but at least just talk to me." Newt almost begged.

Afraid of what was going to happen, you opened the door and let Newt in your hut. "I know I was drunk, but I meant it," Newt stated.

"You don't love me." You replied.


"You don't love me. I'm the only choice you have so you think you love me, but you don't. You only met one girl in your life, Newt. Don't waste your time on it when you don't know any other girls." You spoke.

Newt started at you, stunned. "Even if there would be a thousand girls in this Glade I would still choose you, Y/n!" He said. "I would always choose you. Now tell me, do you like me back or not?"

You hesitated and still didn't believe Newt for loving you. "I don't like you back." Your voice cracked as you lied right into his face.


The next month you avoided Newt and he avoided you. You spoke no word to each other and it hurt you deeply. You missed him. After all, you weren't only in love with him, but he was your best friend too. Now you lost him. It was terrible.

One day Minho and Thomas joined you for breakfast. "Y/n." Minho looked at you sternly. "Make it up with Newt."

"Why?" You snapped. It hurt to even hear his name.

"Because he loves you! And he's hurt."

"And you think I'm not hurt?"

"He's broken." Minho corrected himself. "Seriously. I have to drag him out of bed every day, his whole mood changes when you're around or someone even says your name, he just turns sad, but he's still shuckin' in love with you! At gatherings he is not paying attention and just writes your name in his notebook, at every meal he stares at you, he throws daggers at anyone who dares to talk about you, and-."

"Alright. Alright." You quickly said. Everything Minho said hurt you even more. Was Newt really broken just because you said you didn't like him? "I'll talk to him."



You tapped Newt on the shoulder. "Uhm.. can I talk to you?" It was the first thing you said to him in weeks.

His face lit up, but his eyes stayed sad. "Sure." He mumbled, following you to his hut.

Just then you realized you didn't know what you were going to say. Maybe the truth was the best option. "Alright." Newt sat down on your bed and watched you carefully.

"I lied." You started.

"About?" Newt frowned. He always frowned and you loved it.

"About liking you. I like you too," you hesitated.

"But?" Newt's breathing hitched.

"The same reason as earlier. You only met one girl in your life, Newt. So I'm basically your only choice unless you'd rather.. date a guy?"

"No. You don't understand, Y/n. I bloody love you, don't you get that? I love the way you tuck your hair behind your ear, I love the way you talk, I love the way you smile, I love the way you move. I love everything about you. And I don't want to ruin our friendship so please forgive me. I just wanted to let you know, but if you don't like me back, that's fine. We can stay friends. I hope at least."

Then it hit you. Newt didn't just like you. He actually loved you. Of course, he had made that very clear earlier, but now you actually realized he meant it. There was no way back now.

"I love you too, Newt." You whispered.

𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now