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A/N: Do you prefer that I write in 1st or 2nd person? I wrote this one-shot in 1st person but I might as well just continue with 2nd person! In this one shot Y/n is a girl by the way. (Y/n is a girl in every one-shot except if you give me a certain request.)


The cold, metal box I was in started to move up. I fell onto the ground and looked around in panic. Some boxes surrounded me, filled with food and weapons. My eye caught a knife. Without hesitation, I grabbed it out of the box.

Still afraid I looked up. The strange box I was in opened. Daylight blinded my eyes and I had to blink a few times before I could see clearly. Someone jumped into the box.

"And?" Some people shouted.

"What do you see, Newt?"

"Did they clunk their pants?"

"It's a girl." A male voice stammered. He didn't sound very old, though. More like a boy.

"A girl?"

"Damn. Is she hot?"

"What does she look like?"

"Shut it, you slintheads! Go do your job. The party is over." Someone shouted.

Frightened I looked at the boy in front of me. He was a blonde with beautiful brown eyes. "Hey, there." He smiled lightly, but his eyes were confused.

I pointed the knife at the boy in case he would do something.

"Woah. I'm not going to hurt you." The boy chuckled. Immediately I noticed he had a British accent. Slowly my eyebrows furrowed. Where was I and who was this boy?

"I'm just going to take this, all right?" The boy carefully took the knife out of my hand, never stopping eye contact. "You'll be okay." He added.

"What is this?" I asked. "Where am I?"

"Welcome to the Glade, Greenie." The boy got up and smoothly climbed out of the strange box. "Here." He held out his hand and I carefully grabbed it. Just as easy as he got himself out of the box, he pulled me up. His biceps tightened and the veins appeared, which looked kind of good, I have to admit.

Still confused I looked at the boy, but he was starting to gain my trust. "Alright. I'll give you a tour." The boy inspected my body before, to my surprise, grabbing my hand. Then I looked around me. Four giant stone walls surrounded me, ivy covering them. My eyes opened wide and I looked at the boy again, who planted a smile on his face.

"I'll explain." He said, pulling me with him. We walked past some boys who immediately stared at you. The blonde boy gave them a very dirty glance.

"Mind your own business, slintheads!" He raised his voice.

"Slintheads?" I repeated. What did those words mean? Slintheads? Greenie?

"Glader slang." The boy explained. "You'll get used to it."

"Already got yourself a girl, huh Newt?" An Asian boy jogged past us. He looked at us holding hands.

"Shut up, Minho." The blonde boy, who I assumed was called Newt, snapped.

"Newt? Is that your name?" I asked out of interest.

"I know I'm named after a lizard, so you don't have to remind me." The boy grumbled.

I frowned. "That's not what I meant," I mumbled. I was just asking about this name, but the boy was right, he was named after a lizard. Newt.

Two boys walked over to us. "Are there any other girls here?" You whispered.

"No," Newt replied, watching every step the boys made toward me. "Thomas, Gally, what do you want?" He snapped.

"I only wanted to meet the new Greenie." A brown-haired boy replied. "I don't know why Gally came with me." He shrugged.

The brown-haired boy was Thomas I realized. And the other one with short buzzed hair... Gally?

"Gally, what do you want?" Newt sighed.

Gally looked at me and Newt holding hands. "You can't just claim her, Newt."

"What?" Newt frowned. "I'm not claiming her. I'm just protecting her from idiots like you. And besides, she's a girl, not an object, Gally. You can't claim her." He spoke.

I almost smiled at his reaction. What he said was totally true. Those boys couldn't just treat me like an object. "You could've at least let us have a chance too," Gally said.
Newt's jaw clenched and I noticed the grip on my hand tightened.
"Now can I give the tour?" Gally grinned.

"You're not giving her the tour, pervert." Newt snapped. "Now leave."

"No. I want to meet her." Gally argued. I raised my eyebrows. This was not going to end well. Newt talked through his teeth with a balled fist.

Thomas noticed it too. "All right. I think it's time for us to go, Gally." He pulled the boy with him. Gally sighed and eventually followed Thomas.

"I'm not leaving it by this!" Gally shouted at us.

Newt sighed and looked at you. "You okay?"

"Yeah." You smiled. "Thanks for saying that, you know."


A/N: This makes literally no sense but I thought it would be nice :)

𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now