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It was Saturday evening and I was finally getting off the plane that took me to Jacksonville. I shivered as I tired to wrap my jacket tighter aground my shoulders. I should've been use to the cold by now considering New York was filled with snow on the streets.

As soon as I arrived I made sure to call Marcus.

I knew that he would be wanting me to let him know I made it safely. My phone didn't even make it to the second ring when he answered on the other line.

"You leave at the break of dawn without giving me a kiss goodbye?"

I chuckled almost in relief that he wasn't upset with me. We never had the to chance to talk after Lisa blurted out my plans on leaving. It surprised me because we always held good communication in our relationship.

Well he did while I was a work in progress.

"I'm regretting it because I miss you already." I said truthfully. On Saturday's we usually stayed in bed and one of us would cook breakfast for the other.

We had date nights like the typical couple but more rare than others because of our busy work schedules.

I had a feeling that Marcus saw marriage in our future which was fine but I was only in my early twenties were my life had just begin.

He had even mentioned it a few times on occasions but every time I dismissed it.

It was another reason why I had lied about still going to see Charlie. Marcus meeting Charlie would be the ultimate next step in our relationship and he knew it just as well as I did.

Havana what's wrong with you? It's hard to find a good man now and days

It was something that was so true.

I've had plenty of other relationships before I met Marcus and most seem to be intimidated by my ambitions but not him. However like I said it was just too early in my career, just the thought of having a husband and a baby made me have an headache.

"Here are your keys, drive safe Miss McKnight."

"Thank you happy holidays." I replied taking the keys.

I sighed not knowing what to think about being back home.

A part of me was very excited while another part was anxious. I had the same questions as I did every time that I happen to visit.

Did anything really change while I was away?

Obviously the town had upgraded a little thankfully since I left. Now that Regina was gone I wondered how dad was doing.

She was the final glue that stuck this family together especially when it came to him and I missed her terribly.

I would always call her whenever I needed advice because her blunt tongue never failed to make me laugh. And somehow for every situation she knew just what to say.

Charlie called sometimes but he was never the one to push his problems on anyone else he was a fixer, it was the only thing he knew how to do. I thought about all of this as I rolled my luggage to the car I had rented.

I started to smile as I placed my things in the trunk as I remembered how Charlie insisted on paying for first class but I refused. He didn't know it but he threw his money away like water when it came to his family.

He always wanted what was best for Harper and I which was understandable. However I didn't need the hand-outs that he always tried to give me. I wanted to make it on my own because I worked hard, not because I had someone else pay my way.

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