[Chapter 10] FINAL

Start from the beginning

(D/n) slowly stands up, her tail like kagune sticking out and pointed at they were told was their 'Daddy.' "You lied to me... You lied to (S/n)... I don't want you to hurt Mommy anymore...You're a big mean liar..." Even at a young age, (D/n)'s kagune was quiet big and strong, as you made sure they ate a lot of flesh. (S/n) then stands next to his sister.

"You hurt, Mommy..." (S/n) glared daggers at Aki. "Now you should give us a reason to not hurt you..." One of his turning in its ghoul state. (S/n) was a half-ghoul, like Kaneki. (D/n) was a normal ghoul but had two type of kagune Rinkaku and Bikaku. (S/n) also had two types of kagune but was a half-ghoul, as he had Ukaku and Rinkaku.


"W-What!? You..." Aki seemed rather terrified but angered. "You bitch!! What the hell did you do to corrupt my children!!?!"

You begin to slowly sit up. Still slightly weak, due to the lack of food, but you still take out your Rinkaku pointing at him.
"I simply told them the truth as all you did was feed them dirty lies..." You stand next to your children who both glare at Aki. "After all... Who said they were your children...? Kaneki was their father. I don't remember having sex with you. 8 years ago..."

Aki's friend step in front of him protectively. His Koukaku kagune slowly going over his arm. You wanted to now kill, Aki. No matter if your children were watching or not. They needed to know the full truth. The truth about the nightmare called 'Life'...


You fall to your knees. This wasn't going to work... You were too weak.

"(Y/n)-chan!" Hinami!

"Hinami!" You yell. She runs down the stairs and looks at the scene before her in fear. "Take the twins and run!"

"Don't you dare touch my children!" Aki growls at her. Her eyes still filled with fear, looks ta him directly. She couldn't hide this fear no matter how hard she tried. She quickly grabs the twins.


"Mommy, where are we going!? Why aren't you coming with us!?"

You could fell tears slowly slip down your face. "D-Don't worry, Mommy will be fine..."

"Don't just stand there get my kids back!" Aki yells. The other ghoul obeys and approaches Hinami.

You use all of you strength and jump on his back. You bite his shoulder, making him scream in pain. You rip his flesh and swallow it whole.

Dear god, that was delicious...

"Run!!!" You yell at Hinami. She nods and runs out of the house tears covering her face. The twins begin yelling and screaming for you but its soon fades away. The man successfully gets you off his back and throws you on the ground. He stabs you in the stomach multiple times.

"Go get my children..." Aki tells him. He nods and runs out of the house in search of Hinami and the twins. Aki walks over to you. You look at him, your gaze darkening.
"It would have worked out if you simply obeyed my commands, (n/n)..." You growl slightly as he crouches down and lightly touches your blood stained face. He looks at the gaping hole in your stomach, the wound to major for your regeneration to handle. You grab his leg with your hand making him fall down. "Let go!" He trues prying your hand off him. You slowly crawl on top him your kagune weak, but still strong enough to kill. You pin him down he struggles but fails. You take your last tail and raise it above his face. He looks into your eyes with pure fear.

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