[Chapter 5]

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You continue writing the report as Kaneki sat in bed reading a book. You sigh clearly feed up with the report and shut your laptop. You take out packaged flesh and nibble on it. Its passed 2 weeks and Kaneki is still hasn't fully healed. You were already failing your class so it didn't matter.

"How ya feeling?" You ask the black haired teen.

"I'm fine..." He mutters, too focused in his book. You watch his eyes flutter as he tries to stay awake. You blush a light shade of pink.

You notice him looking at you from the corner of his eye. As you make eye contact he quickly turns his attention back to the book. "I thought you were reading?"

"I am." He blushes.

"Then why were you looking at me?" The blush gets a little deeper.

"I-I... Uh. W-Why do y-you have to a-ask s-so many q-questions?" He stutters, burying his face in the book.

"Like you said two weeks ago. 'I only asked two." You say with a small smile. He puts his book down and looks at you fully. His cheeks blushing red and his gray eyes looking at your (e/c) eyes.

You chuckle. "Oh, I'm sorry its just that was so adorable. " You say smiling while tilting your head, making Kaneki only blush even more.

"Hey, you hungry? You haven't eaten for two weeks. "

He looks at you and he wraps his arm around his stomach. He had no choice... He slowly nods. You take a piece off flesh from the one that you were eating and throw it to him. He catches and hesitates to eat it, but finally eats it.

"Better?" You ask. He nods.

Your stretch your arms and lean back in your chair. You watch the boy eating the flesh. He notices you watching him.

"May I help you?"

You blush. "Nope I'm just fine! Don't mind me!"

You turn towards the clock and look at the time. 8:52. Tomorrow is...Sunday. It might be busy.

You walk over to your closet, getting your uniform ready for the next day. After, you fall onto your couch. You groan.

"When are you gonna leave? I need my bed back." You tell the the boy. He turns towards you his gray eyes avoiding your gaze.

"You want me to leave?" He asks a little bit of sadness in his voice. You don't respond. You didn't want him to go just yet, but you were tired of sleeping on this uncomfortable couch.

You hear a knock on the wall and see Touka's head poke through the 'doorway'. Since she knocked down the door you have to pay for a new door since its your room.

"What?" You say rudely at her.

"Boss needs to talk with Kaneki." She says in the same tone.

You turn to the teen. His face covered by confusion.


"What?" He asks shyly.

"Get going. Boss is asking for you." You say waving your hand dismissing him. He stands from the bed. As he straightens himself, a wave of pain goes through his back.

"Let me help." You say carrying the boy on your back. He blushes intensely.

"I-I can w-walk (y/n)-chan!" He yells at you childishly.

"Lay off the -chan." You say bluntly. He turns away from you as you carry him. You finally make it to the room and see the 'Boss' sitting on the couch sipping his coffee.

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