[Chapter 2]

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A week has already passed. You wipe the wet tea cup with a towel , drying it and putting it on a rack.

"Today was so fucking busy!" Touka says leaning back on one of the chairs. Her blue hair bangs falling back.

"I barely got any sleep last night." You whine, rubbing your left eye like a small child.

"Oi, don't whine about it like it was anyone's fault. Its your fault for hunting so late at night." she says putting her hands behind her head.

"And what's with you and that one kid today?"


"You know, when the kid walked in you were all shocked." She says twirling one finger in the air.

"N-Nothing!" You stutter.

"Alright, but this better not be another one of your little crushes. Cause if it is..." She starts.

"Shut up!"

She laughs. "Ha! God damn! This is why I keep you as a friend."

You change the subject. "So what college are you going to?"

"Hmmm. I'm not sure yet..." She trails off.

"You should come yo Kamii! So I could throw a text book at you when you're not looking!" You joke.

"Kammi's off the list." She mutters.

You giggle.

"Breaking news!" The TV was on.

You and Touka turn towards the TV. Waiting to hear this ' breaking news'.
"It's probably just another ghoul attack." You say continuing to dry the dishes.

"But wasn't your sister here the other day when that kid came...?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Cause she walk out with Kaneki and..." She points at the TV.

You look at TV. A woman was crushed by construction materials such as, pipes, steel beams, etc. There was also a boy that was at the scene that survived, but his organs were all messed up.

"And?" You ask raising an eyebrow.

"That 'woman' was your sister..." She says sadly.

You drop the tea cup. You hear the cup make contact with the wooden floor. Shattering and spreading everywhere. You stare blankly at screen, that was now showing a picture of your dead sister.
You feel tears piling up at the corner of your eyes, but you push them back. Next they show a picture of Kaneki. You put your hands on the counter, facing away from the TV.

"You alright...?" Touka asks. You honestly forgot she was there.

"I-I need to go rest..." You say crouching next to the shattered tea cup.

"I'll pick that up... Just go get some rest.....
I'll the manager to give you a day off tomorrow. " She says getting off the chair and crouching down next to you. 

"Thank you..." You say standing. You give her a small smile. She gives you a sad smile.

You make your way to your room silently.
As you open your door it suddenly feels....different. You remember walking in and feeling happy or normal, but this time it felt......lonely....You make your way to your bed. You don't take off your uniform you just take off your shoes and crawl in bed. You stare blankly at the wall in front of you. Your kagune closes the curtains behind you. You then turn on the lights with your kagune.

"Kaneki..." You mutter sitting up. You look to the corner of the room and see your blood covered shirt. You pick up the shirt pulling to your chest. You sigh and hang it in the closet. You look  at your favorite hoodie she gave you. 

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