[Chapter 8]

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Hide knocks and the door rapidly until Kaneki opens the door.

"Hide? Where were you? And why are so tired?" Kaneki asks, concern in his voice.

"I...saw....(Y/n)....with this....one...guy..." Hide says between pants as he enters the apartment and falls on the couch. He puts his fore arm on his forehead as he continues gasping for air. Kaneki seems somewhat shocked...

"She's with another guy..." He says, sadness and pain now in his voice.

"They seem like good friends, plus, I don't think (y/n) would cheat on you. She pregnant with your kids man..." Hide says getting a bottle of water. "Thank God..." He finishes as he gulps down all the water.

Kaneki immediately puts his jacket on.

"You want me to come with you?" Hide asks turning to his best friend. ((A/N: This going to kind of be like the anime but not fully, cause I don't want Hide to sleep eternally ;-; ))


"Alright!" Hide says as he struts out the door. Kaneki giving a light chuckle at Hide's action, following him.


"Really?!" You say taking a sip of your coffee. Aki nods.

"My mom was happy knowing he was going to marry Makoto." He smiles brightly. "My dad approved of it too, knowing how caring Makoto was. He knew he would take care of Haru."

"Wow, I actually miss Mr. and Mrs.Nanase they we're nice." You say. He chuckles and pokes your stomach. You flinch and hold your stomach. "Don't do that."

He laughs. "Why? You gained a few pounds after highschool. How much did you eat?" He says trying to poke your stomach again. He didn't know you were a ghoul, and you planned on keeping it that way.

"Well. Surprise, surprise. I'm pregnant." You say blush lightly covering your cheeks as you throw your arms in the air, childishly. His eyes widen in surprise. A glint of sadness was seen in his ocean blue eyes, but you ignored it.

"Really? Who's the lucky man?" He says, his left eye twitching.

"Are you okay? Your left eye is twitching? That only happens when your mad." You state pointing at his left eye. He covers his left eye.

"I just remembered, I have to get the newly weds a gift and I left my wallet at the hotel." He says, closing his eyes and forcing a smile on his face.

"Oh, if you'd like I'll pay after all, I wasn't told about it so now I feel bad..." You say.

"Oh no, its fine. I'll just get two and say you got one for them." He says waving his other hand. A familiar blonde hugs you from behind.

"(N/n), I missed you!" He says rubbing his head against your back.

"O-Oh, Hello Hide." You say as he continues rubbing his head on your back. "What are you doing?"

"Ah, nothing sweetie. Oh! That reminds me. I wanted to take you to a store that I just know you'll love. C'mon let's go love." He says pulling you by your arm.

"One, can't you see I'm in the middle of something. And two, why are you calling me l--" he cuts you off by putting his hand on top if your mouth.

"Haha. You're so funny love. Now let's go." He says as he pulls you away. You give Akihiro an apologetic look. He gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes filled with a little anger. After Hide pulls you away, to a small alley way, he takes his hand off your mouth.

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