December 07, 2025 - United Arab Emirates

"Please? My trainer told me no, but it's the last day of the season." Mick pouted his lips as we both stood by the entrance of the Ferrari motorhome, people bustling around us.

I chuckled at how he looked like a child, palms pressed against each other as he held them by his face. "Shouldn't Alfa Romeo have chocolate in their catering?" He was asking me to grab some chocolate from the bowl of Ferrero that was always there with the other deserts being offered. Every time Mick saw me, he'd ask me to pluck a few pieces for him and we'd end up sharing it in the space between motorhomes so that his trainer wouldn't see.

"Yes, but Ferrari's is better." He grinned and it widened when I rolled my eyes at him and went inside the motorhome.

The coffee machine was right beside it as well so I made myself a cup so that I wouldn't look suspicious walking out of here with five pieces of chocolate. When I stepped through the door, Mick was nowhere to be found until I saw him peaking by the side of the Ferrari motorhome.

"Here you go, kid." I said and he rolled his eyes at me, taking the chocolate. "How was that date you told me about a few weeks ago?" I asked as I leaned on the opposite wall. Mick frowned as he chewed on one of the chocolates and I asked, "Not good?"

"Far from it." He scoffed, passing me the wrapper since he didn't have any pockets. "It took her about half an hour before she mentioned my dad." I held in a grimace, knowing how much Mick hated being seen in his father's shadow. He's shared me his feelings about it before, wanting to make a name for himself but it was difficult being the son of a seven time world champion. "I zoned out after that. She even had the gall to ask about how he's doing right now as if he knew her."

I moved to stand beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder in comfort. "You'll find someone." I reassured him, squeezing his arm before taking a step back as Mick gave me a smile.

"Got any more single friends?"

"Are you secretly asking me if Gabby is available?"

Mick laughed and shook his head. "Gabby scares me. Besides, Max can't stop talking about her. He's head over heels for your best friend."

"I know. It's sickening."

A few hours later, I found myself in the Ferrari garage again with Isa, Pascale, and Arthur beside me. Lorenzo was here as well but he was currently in the motorhome with his wife and son.

"I'm going to shit myself." Arthur murmured beside me as we watched the media people and a few fans leave the grid.

"Arthur." Pascale said, eyes squinting at her youngest son.

"It's the truth, mum." He complained, crossing his arms over his chest. "This isn't even his first championship. I should be used to this by now." I snickered at how he couldn't sit still and Arthur glared at me. "Don't act as if you don't feel the same."

"Yes, but I'm doing a better job of hiding it unlike you." I ruffled his hair and Arthur slapped my hand away before fixing it.

The rest of us waited as the cars went off for the formation lap, the remaining people on the grid running back to the pits. The atmosphere in Abu Dhabi was electric, similar to how it felt in Monaco. It was obvious that a ton of high-profile people had flown in to watch the final race of the season, with glamour and fame present all throughout the weekend. The weather was just at the right temperature with it having cooled down from this afternoon. I was wearing a halter dress that ended just above my ankles, hair slicked back into a low ponytail. When it got colder as the sun set, I placed a white blazer over my shoulders to keep me warm.

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