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Chapter 211: Small fleet

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Su Yang noticed that the title of "Little European Emperor" just now became "European Emperor" after adding 10 lucky points.

In terms of the percentage system, now he has just reached the passing line, that is to say, after this wave of blessings, Shuai Yang directly evolved into a proper European emperor!

Wuhu, take off!

After the first game is over, the second and third games are quickly opened.

I don't know if it's because of the upgrade of [Goddess of Luck]. After the first one, the opponents that the system ranks for them are all special dishes. The hidden score is extremely low, and the real strength is gold and silver. There is no such kind of fish-fried opponent. Up.

In one afternoon, they played eight games, winning seven and losing one.

Although he did not win a full victory, Su Yang relied on his outstanding strength. Every game was either the MVP or the SVP of the losing side, and the KDA was one match.

Moreover, in the losing game, there was a problem with the roommate's computer, and the blue screen could not be turned on, which caused Su Yang to fall into a four-on-five situation and eventually lost to the opponent.

However, it is a pity that Su Yang did not trigger the crit bonus after these few games, but after these few games, it is unquestionable who is the real thigh and who is the real son.

"I'll rub, Brother Yang, you are a real dog! You are handsome and can sing, and you are so rich. The most sad thing is that the game is better than us!"

"Yes, Yangzi, with such a method, you won't leave a way for brothers to survive?"

"Don't talk about Brother Yang, the **** has been cleaned and ready, bed 204 No.6 welcomes you at any time!"

"Gan, Ruier, do you want to be so disgusting? Everything you say is tasteful..."

"a ha ha ha......"

Everyone played GG amidst laughter and laughter, ending the game this afternoon.

Because the big guys are going to work on team building together tonight, Su Yang suggested to start packing up now and get ready to go out.

It's not as troublesome for boys to go out as girls-wash your face, wash your hair, grab a hairstyle, grab a piece of clothing in the closet and put it on, and you're done.

Finally, look in the mirror again-who is so handsome than Daniel Wu, okay?

In fact, this is the true thought of most boys. The biggest difference between boys and girls is that boys are particularly narcissistic, while girls still lack self-confidence in themselves. They are already good-looking, but still feel that they are not beautiful or beautiful enough.

204 All the roommates are like this, it only took less than ten minutes to clean up, and they were ready to go out.

At this time, Su Yang's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, it turned out that it was the news from the "small caravan" of the dormitory group.

Big brother Cao Hai: "Hey Yangzi, where can our brothers meet?"

Su Yang smiled and immediately replied: "Snack street opposite the school, old place!"

As soon as this word came out, the group immediately exploded.

"I rub, I don't love Brother Yang. If you say a good meal, you will invite us to eat some food stalls?"

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