"Nothing." He pulled himself out of bed and stretched his sore arms.

"You're not painting anymore." He pointed out and Feitan glanced over to his sketches. "You don't do nothing all day. You're going to drive yourself insane if you don't keep the mind busy."

"I've been sketching." He stared down at the open book.

"The detective." He added with a smirk tugging on his lips and Feitan glared at him. "Except the new pages are a lot messier than your first ones. You're forgetting how she looks like."

"You know something?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." He shrugged.

"Tell me what you know."

"Do you have anything to exchange?"

"What the hell am I supposed to exchange with you? My phone number?" He rolled his eyes.

Chrollo stayed quiet and watched him pace in circles around his cell. "Out of curiosity how important is the detective to you?"

"Really fucking important if my life is on the line." He scoffed. "She's my way out of here."

"Really?" His eyes sparked with interest. "If I tell you, will you get me out of here too?"

Feitan hesitated at first. "I'm not sure."

"Well then," he chuckled, all the interest was lost in a second and he was already backing away from the door. "When you figure out a way to get me out of here I'll let you know what I know."

"Wait!" He stopped him. "I'll figure out something, maybe not now but I promise I'll figure something out. If I talk to her then she can probably help you too."

"Are you lying to me?"

"No, I'm not lying-"

"I have people that can find you if you end up screwing me up. Just a warning, you know?"

"I get it." He snapped.

Chrollo studied him carefully as the guards passed by. He sat back down and smiled at his friend.

"I heard that the chief acts a little shy around the detective." He whispered so the guards wouldn't hear. "He's trying to get her wrapped around his finger and to do that he has to get rid of everything she has, including you."

"A little shy?" He asked and then he understood. "The chief has feelings for (y/n)? But why would he have to get rid of everything she has to have her?"

Chrollo shrugged. "Don't know, maybe he's a control freak or maybe he's using something against her. You weren't moved to this prison yet but a few years ago she was in some deep shit, ended up screwing herself over in some investigation and now she's acting like a saint to keep herself out of trouble. Her partner was found dead as well and somehow the chief managed to brush it under the rug well."

"Who was her last partner?"

He nodded over to an empty cell across from them.

"A criminal was her partner?" He chuckled in disbelief. "So I'm not the first? You ever think maybe the criminal ended up trying to kill her and she had to defend herself?"

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