Ch. 21: The Big Day

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"Geez, did that noise wake you up too?" A very sleepy Raditz yawned, his hair pulled up tight in a very messy bun. He was in a white tank top and black leggings, and his boots were haphazardly put on, with one falling lower than the other.

"You look like crap," you laughed, giving his shoulder a soft punch. "On your way to grab breakfast?"

"Like you look any better," he frowned, wiping a tear from his eye as he yawned again. "Yeah, wanna come with?"

"Sure but I can't stay long! I have to bring Vegeta something to eat so he doesn't get hangry."

Raditz raised an eyebrow, "is there a difference between hangry Vegeta and normal Vegeta?"

"Yes," you laughed. "He's much worse."

"How can that even be possible?" Raditz snorted. "He's already miserable enough as is."

"It'll be a lot worse if we don't bring him some eggs in the next thirty minutes, now come on."

"So did you have fun on your date last night?" Goku grinned, dodging a punch from Vegeta.

"It wasn't a date!" The prince spat, sweeping his leg out to try and trip his opponent.

Goku jumped into the air, pulling his knees to his chest before landing back down. "Your blushing cheeks say otherwise!"

"Shut it!" Vegeta said, his tail wrapping around Goku's ankle and slamming him to the floor. "You're just making me break into a sweat! Quit talking and start fighting back!"

"I'm telling Y/N it wasn't a date!" Goku snickered from the ground as he spun on his back and kicked Vegeta in the face.

The prince spat out a glob of blood before wiping his mouth and grabbing Kakarot's foot with his hand. "Don't you fucking dare!"

"Well since it wasn't a date you shouldn't ca-"

"IT WAS A DATE YOU IDIOT," the prince yelled, lifting Goku up, over his head, and slamming him back into the ground. Goku gasped for air as the prince raised his hand at him, palm flat, fingers pressed together as his gloved hand began to glow.

"Are you two gonna get married?" Goku asked, tilting his head at the prince from his spot on the floor.

The light from Vegeta's hand began to flicker. "What?- I-"

Goku didn't even hesitate, pressing his hands beside his head and launching himself up, landing on his feet quickly as he punched Vegeta in the gut.

The prince doubled over as Goku grabbed his head, slamming it down into his knee. "You let down your guard Geets!"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Vegeta pressed his palm flat into the floor, shooting his foot straight into Goku's jaw and launching him up into the air. In a moment he was above him again, raising his hands above his head and swinging them down into Goku's back, who slammed into the floor and cried out in pain. Vegeta floated down, watching as Kakarot struggled to get up.

"Are you ready to submit?" The prince frowned, placing a foot on his rival's head and pressing into the floor. What could he say? You had inspired him a bit with this one.

"Fine, you win this time, Vegeta." The prince smirked and his tail wagged about, stepping aside as Goku brushed himself off and stretched out his back. "Wow, that one hurt!

"No shit, Kakarot," the prince rolled his eyes and fixed his gloves. "I'm just that much stronger than you."

"But seriously though, are you gonna get married?" Goku asked, glancing at the prince as he twisted sideways to crack his back. He shivered a bit as his back cracked and popped before a relieved smile spread across his features.

DBZ: The Princess Saga (Vegeta x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora