140 - "Without fear, there is no courage."

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The clones were all shot down and a beam hit (Y/n) straight in the middle of the forehead with the force of a glass liquor bottle. The teachers winced and oohed at attack when the girl made a rough landing, making (Y/n) glare at them in the slightest. Though she was glaring at the wall instead of them, curtesy of the dizziness and black spots clouding her vision. Another wave of clones were sent to attack the robot, but the latter evaded it and was staring down at the teachers and the girl on the floor.

Looking like a demon from hell, the angel's eyes flashed red and all of them gulped.

They had a long, miserable night ahead of them. All while Eri was peacefully sleeping, unaware of the dome and chaos around her.

 All while Eri was peacefully sleeping, unaware of the dome and chaos around her

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that morning

The morning sun creeped onto a certain red eyed girl's face, her eyelids fluttered at the intrusion. Begrudging to leave her dreamland, Eri shuffled over to the side. But her sleepy flailing caused her arm to knock into something. She let out a confused hum and opened her eyes, greeted by the sight of a pile of presents on her pillow and some more around her room. In that instant, she became fully awake, sitting up on her bed.

Confirming she wasn't dreaming, she realized the presents were real. She quickly scurried out of bed, clad in her pajamas and dashed out of her room and down the hall. She found Aizawa on the sofa in the communal area, "G-Good morning," she greeted. "Hm? Goodmorning," Aizawa greeted back, turning to her.

"Um, last night I think Santa came and...Wait, huh?" That was when she noticed all of the teachers—that had been in her room the night before, battling the Angel robot to the death, and only managed to defeat it and clean up less than an hour ago—flopped onto the sofas. Aizawa himself was sleeping like a baby beforehand, it was definitely taking all he had to sit upright at that moment. "Goodmorning Eri," Midnight also greeted the girl. "Ah, goodmorning," the little one returned with good manners.

She suddenly noticed something in her peripheral, making her body jolt when it moved faster than she could react—looking like they were rising from the tomb. It was (Y/n), who was looking rather dead alongside the teachers. She yawned obnoxiously, sitting up on the floor and took notice of her surroundings. She noticed the little girl immediately, eyes lighting up with love.

"Hey darling, how'd you sleep?" She stood up with the help of the couch that was at her side—which had Mic laying on it with a funny sleeping face. (Y/n) couldn't help but fish out her phone and take a picture, though she grimaced once she noticed the flash was on.

"I see the light..." The blonde mumbled, making (Y/n) crack a humored smile. "It's the flash from my phone dumbass."

Eri smiled at the scene, "I slept good. Uh, so I think Santa came and brought me lots of presents," she couldn't help her excitement get the better of her, no matter how oddly exhausted all of them looked. "Oh yeah? That's great," Aizawa said. "Of course Santa would, who could resist that cute face?" (Y/n) smiled, pinching her daughter's cheek and waving her over. "Wanna go open them?"

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⏰ Última actualización: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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