Chapter 1

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Isabel's POV

It's the night before the beginning of junior year in high school and honestly, I'm ready to go back to see my friends. Since the pandemic started I've been isolated but the good thing about me being stuck at home is that I'm able to keep midnight in check. With all my random outbursts of emotions, there was no way I would've been able to keep her in check. Is tomorrow going to be hard? Oh most definitely. I just gotta wear my wolfsbane bracelet every time I have an outburst. This bracelet will burn through my skin to make sure she doesn't surface. It's been a while since I let my wolf be free. It's been a while since I transitioned. But I gotta do what I gotta do to live a normal life. I took a temporary leave from the eclipse pack. Hopefully, I can leave permanently. I love my pack but I'm supposed to be the next alpha in line. After what happened a few years ago I can't go back. Hell, I don't want to go back. I put the people that I love and care about in danger and I almost risked them knowing. The only people who know are my parents and a little of my dad's family. Since my dad's family are werewolves and we come from an alpha lineage. Just the lucky part with my family they never switched. I'm the only one who did and that's all because my body rejected the poison. So I'm the only one in my dad's family who is a werewolf and the only one in my mom's family who is a witch since my mom's family is a family full of witches. Guess who is half and half me. And I'm the only one who has been practicing and turning. So no one on either side of my family has reached their full potential. Either the poison worked on them or they haven't been practicing since my Abuela has never told them except my mom. Only because of me. YIPPEE!!!!

"Mija, dinner ready, come and eat" what the hell my mother startled the shit out of me when she knocked on my door.

"Coming mom" great dinner. As I walked out I got a good smell of the food that was just made and OMG it smells like heaven. As I skipped towards the kitchen I was greeted with two chicken drumsticks with white rice.

"Here you go Mija," my mom said while she was handing my plate to me.

"Thanks, ma" I grabbed my plate, grabbed a fork, and sat on the table next to my dad.

"So are you ready to go back to school tomorrow?" my dad asked while looking at the TV.

"yeah, kind of I just gotta make sure midnight stays in her spot. She took advantage of resurfacing last year because we were home all day. So I gotta make sure I have a strong grip on her sly attempts on coming out. Otherwise, I'm happy I get to see all my friends and hopefully make some new ones." I said back. All my dad did was nod and then he looked at me and looked at my plate then he said

"Hey, how come Isabel can eat before me?" my mom already knew the question was directed at her.

So she replied with "first of all hey has a name. And second, she is a child and has killer tendencies. You don't, so unless you want to be the one she ends up eating I suggest dropping it." I chuckled at the end. Oh, killer tendencies. HA very funny.

"Anyways, come and make your plate. You have perfectly working hands don't you?" my mom said directly to my dad.

My dad decided to reply with "no" and I just ended up glaring at him. And then he looked at me and then at my mom. Afterward, he got up and made himself a plate.

"Isabel just make sure to count to 10 if you feel like she is going to put out at any moment. And sad to say just make sure you have that bracelet that mark gave you when you decided to take a leave. Btw does the bracelet have enough wolfsbane to control your temper?" my mom said directly to me and my dad looked at me as well waiting for an answer.

" Aye mami, first of all, I listen to music to calm me down. Second, it should have enough wolfsbane to control me, and plus it's just a few days out of the week I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. If I don't have enough I will contact the alpha or Jason to ship off some wolfsbane." my parents nodded.

Then my dad asked, " Isabel you sure you are going to be ok going back? Knowing that midnight is going to introduce herself again."

I looked at my dad and replied "look dad and this goes for you to mom. I'm going to have to fight it. Which is fine with me. So don't worry." As I reassure my parents that everything is going to be alright, we just finished eating dinner.

I went to take a shower. After coming out I looked at the fogged mirror and saw my reflection, the scars that I had were extremely visible. I hated looking at them. They reminded me of that day when I had confirmed wanting to live a human life. As I remembered the pain that I had to endure, a tear fell off my cheek. I wiped it away as quickly as it fell. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to my room, my mom had come up to me asking if I was ready for tomorrow, and had reassured her that I was. She just then smiled at me and kissed my forehand and walked away. When she left I closed my bedroom door shut and got ready to go to bed. Here comes the end of my summer vacation.

"SHIT what time is it?" I looked at the time it was 2 in the morning. I hate having nightmares, especially about that night. Now I can't sleep, just great. As I kept rolling around in bed I couldn't shut off my mind. Until... I heard ringing. I looked at my phone and it said 6 am "Get up" my alarm said. At some point, I must have fallen asleep last night. Anyways as I got ready and went to school I was greeted by my amazing best friend Beth.

"OMG Isabel how was your summer vacation?" she asked after she had hugged me.

"Well, obviously I was talking to this guy and I still just like him as a friend. Nothing more and I still like Justin. So nothing much has changed on my part. But how was your summer vacation?"

She replied with "so me and my family we went to Nevada to visit some family and we then went to Arizona to visit the grand canyon. So we had a mild road trip"

I nodded and was very pleased that she had a better vacation than me. That's for sure. I was stuck with my mood swings and being kept in check. On top of that are reminders of that day.

As the bell rang for first period. I ended up dropping off Beth at her first period class. And then went to my first period class. As I walked in I was greeted by familiar faces. We ended up talking about our summer vacations and the teacher welcomed our class back for another school year. We just ended up having fun during the first period. It was nice. Afterward, I just continued with my day without any outbursts or anything. Which is amazing. As the school day ended. My mom picked me up and told her everything that's happened and told her that midnight didn't even make an attempt to come out. As I got home and did my after-school rituals I came out of my room for dinner and tonight it was lasagne which is nice knowing that it was already premade. As I talked with my parents reassuring them that midnight didn't make her appearance known. They nodded. And we just finished up our dinner and went our separate ways. I grabbed my phone and saw messages from a guy that I was talking to all summer. He is a nice kid but I just can learn to like him like that. As I wrapped my conversation with him. I got ready for bed. Afterward, I went straight to bed. "FUCKING SHIT"

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