Chapter 2

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Isabel's pov

I have been having nightmares non stop these past few weeks. And I fucking hate it. "Hey Isabel, are you ok?" One of my friends said while I was heading into 4th period.

"Yeah I'm fine, just hadn't been getting any sleep thanks for asking Tracy." She just nodded and waited for our teacher to open up the classroom door.

"Isabel, are you sure you're ok??" Beth asked me from behind.

"Beth, I'm fine, don't worry, just a little tired here and there and haven't been getting any sleep. Lately but I'm fine." I had said to reassure her. I knew she was worried about me. And then finally the teacher came. Here comes the start of English. As the period went on, I started falling asleep doing a written assignment.

Until Beth shook me awake. "Hey, Isabel it's the end of class lets go" shit I didn't hear the bell.

As I was packing up to leave my teacher had come up to me. "Hey Isabel, is everything ok at home?" Mr. Burns said I had nodded to him yes and gave him a fake excuse saying that I had work and didn't get out until late. He nodded and walked away. Good, he believed that.

As I walked out of the class with Beth waiting outside. "Isabel, do you really have a job?" She asked. I just shook my head no and she didn't push it. We both just continued school.

As I wait outside for my 6th-period class to open a guy comes up to me "Hey are you ok?"

I replied to him saying "Why does everyone say if I'm ok? I'm 100% fine"

He just said "you sure you look like shit right now" he chuckled at the end. I chuckled right after him.

"I'm fine, just can't sleep at night."

Then another one of my friends came up to me "Hey Isabel I forgot to ask you this morning are you ok?" I just hit my head.

The guy replied to me "she is fine Karla" I looked at him and mouthed thank you.

Karla looked at him and said "I'm sorry did I ask you, Andres? No right?"

And Andres replied "look Karla even though the question wasn't pointed at me. I had already asked her." Before the argument had escalated the teacher had finally opened up the classroom door.

Once we walked in and I dropped my bag. The argument continued. Although it continued in Spanish. All I did was look back and forth until I heard he was Puerto Rican.

I asked Andres "wait, are you Puerto Rican?"

He told me "yes" and pointed at his hat which had the Puerto Rican flag sewn on.

He asked me, "Are you Puerto Rican?" I told him that I was half Puerto Rican and half Mexican. Thank god that helped stop the argument before we continued our conversation. The teacher started talking and we had to finish our labs so we continued when we left the classroom to go finish our project. When we made it to the stairwells to finish our project. We started talking about the island and the last time we were there. A little about the food. Just about the culture and the island a little bit. I enjoyed it these past few weeks. It's just nightmare after nightmare. This time I finally found some happiness. After class ended he walked me to my next-period class where we talked some more. Then I didn't see him until 8th period. Little did I know I had the same PE period as him and with the same teacher. So I see him twice a day. Nice. Little did I know that was the beginning. 

I Don't Want to be an ALPHADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora