11.|| Honeymoon

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The two newly wed couples were in absolute bliss on their honeymoon, they decided to go to an private island near Transylvania for two weeks And of course they were in what people called the honeymoon phase, but decided they would take it slow as Wednesday wanted to wait for 2 more years till they have kids.
Tyler woke up to see his beautiful wife next to him sleeping peacefully, which was funny cause normally she would be the morning person not him, he decided to stay in bed with his beloved until she woke up as well. Tyler turned on his phone and saw  many messages from family and friends congratulating him for being married once again, Enid kept asking how their honeymoon was going, and wanted to know what they were doing, well not much for the first few days Tyler thought, they would stay in the house watch movies and eat together, Wednesday would read and write too of course. Even if it sounds boring Tyler was as happy as he could be, he loved that he could spend every second of these two weeks with the love of his life. Tyler gave a small kiss on Wednesday's cheeks and saw a small smile on her face, he just kept looking at her until he saw her eyes pop open.
"Oh my god Wednesday you scared me!"
"Good morning to you too mi a more" Wednesday rolled her eyes and pulled Tyler back down with her.
"Good morning cara mia, I'm so sorry I just thought that you were asleep."
"Come on lets get up, I have something planned for us today." Wednesday got up, she was wearing Tyler's clothes and Tyler thought it was adorable.
"I'll make you your quad."
"Thanks Ty" Wednesday got their suitcase and took out a hunting gun and a knife.
"Holy crap Wens are you going to kill me?!" Tyler was amused, he did not know she packed this with them.
"As entertaining as that sounds no not really, we are going hunting." Wednesday said as she sharpened her knife.
"Hunting?! Like hunting animals and shooting them dead?"
"Yeah, your hyde also needs to eat right?"
"I mean yeah but its so sad to just see them die because of us."
"Stop being a pussy, you are an Addams now, we do not feel bad for anyone outside our family, let alone measly animals."
"Fineee, Hyde says there better be some deers."
"Of course there are some now I really need my coffee, I want all the energy I can get for today."  Wednesday said, they finished their small breakfast and went out preparing to start hunting.
"Ok are you guys going to switch now?" Wednesday asked.
"Yeah I'll turn into the hyde."
"Alright take off your clothes, there's no good in wasting them, we may be rich but we won't waste our money." Wednesday said
"W-what?! Take off my clothes?Now?".
"Yes now, there's no one here but me and you, plus there's nothing I never seen before"
"Wednesday!" Tyler was blushing like a tomato not knowing what to say.
Needless to say Tyler stripped down and transformed into the hyde, the two had a fun afternoon and ended up with two deers, a bear, a lamb, 30 fishes and a basket of fruits.
They went back to their house and took a shower together, much to Wednesday's dismay as she thought Tyler looked hot with blood all over him.
They spent the rest of their honeymoon having fun, watching movies, more hunting, Wednesday taught Tyler how to play chess while Tyler taught Wednesday how to cook.
What they both didn't know is that while they were going home a new heartbeat was pumping in Wednesday's body.

I know this is super short but I don't know i just really wanted to write it! I hope you enjoyed <3 Remember to vote and comment some ideas for me! I love you all my black dahlias!

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