4. II Christmas Party

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Wednesday's POV:
It was the day of the party and me and Enid were starting to get ready.
Enid chose a sleeveless pink furry Christmas dress with matching gloves, and I unwillingly wore a kind of lacy black dress.

Enid chose a sleeveless pink furry Christmas dress with matching gloves, and I unwillingly wore a kind of lacy black dress

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Enid's dress

Wednesday's dress

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Wednesday's dress

I grabbed the gifts and my purse and me and Enid went to a rented party room which is where we are going to have the party at.
Skip to an hour later~

Everyone has arrived, Xavier, Bianca,Eugene,Ajax and Tyler. Enid started hosting different games like Musical chairs, guess that food, uno, poker, monopoly and many more.

It was a little into the night, we were all a little drunk but Enid said she had one more game planned Truth or Dare-
" Alright I'll go first!!! Xavier truth or dare?" Enid squealed, really into the game.
"Truth" Xavier shrugged
"Do you still have a crush on Wednesday?" Enid asks, seriously what is it with me? Why does Xavier even like me.
"Uhhh can I won't answer that, I'll take a shot instead" And he did what he said, Xavier took a shot and Bianca looked very hurt.
"Ok my turn to ask, Eugene truth or dare?"
This went on for awhile and till now there is still nothing challenging for me, it was all quite boring.
"Wednesday truth or dare?" Ajax asked
"Why do you like Tyler?"
Everyone made and 'oOOooOOh" sound, Tyler turned to me grinning, obviously very amused by the question.
"Well, I don't know- He's sweet I guess, always does little things for me and I mean he has a nice face. I don't know I just love him." I could feel myself blush, while everyone made an awww sound.
"Awww that's so cute, I love you too Wens." Tyler pecked me on the lips and everyone made the 'awwwww' sound again.
Enid decided that that was the best way to wrap up the game and start exchanging gifts.
" Ok I'll start first!"

Enid gave Xavier a new set of paints, Xavier gave Eugene a painting of his bees, Eugene gave Ajax some new hats and beanies, Ajax gave Tyler AirPods and a small coffee machine, Tyler gave Bianca the necklace and dress, Bianca got me a journal and some murder mystery books, at last I gave Enid all the stuff I bought for her.

I saw Xavier give Tyler and encouraging look after we opened all our presents and Tyler nodded.
"Hey guys me and Wednesday is going to step out for awhile." He said that and asked me to get my present for him and we both went outside.

"Soooo? You wanna give you gift to me first ? " Tyler grinned.
"Actually I have more than one you open that first, and we open the main gift together?" i suggested seeing that he also has more than one.
We swapped our gifts, I opened mine to see books, writing supplies, clothes, one of my favourites is a shirt which backs says ' she's my muderer'.
Tyler opened to see also me giving him some clothing, comedy books and some new coffee mugs.
"Awww thank you so much babe I love it!" Tyler put a kiss to my head and got a small box.
"So we exchange the main gifts now??" I asked.
"Yea sure."
I took his hand we went and sit below a tree, not caring if it was snowing heavily, this is a tradition for us, every Christmas once we get to swapping the main gift we have to sit below a tree, it was to remind us of our first Christmas together where we accidentally kissed from Enid pushing me onto him below a tree, yes I know very random but it was a sweet memory to relive.
I gave Tyler his gift and he gave me mine. It was a very small box that looked like it could store jewellery.
"On the count of 3" I looked at him and grinned
"Three! Open!!!"
I opened Tyler's gift to see a beautiful black dahlia necklace, in the middle of it looked like a small mirror.
"Wens what is this?" Tyler asked.
"That is one of my family's old never ending journal, its an old family heirloom that no much people has wanted for years, so my family mailed it to me to give it to you! As you can see its very thick, you can write your thoughts or whatever in it, open it and the first 25 pages are all my secrets and how I feel about you, that way I will have no secret that you don't know." I said, I thought it was quite smart. I saw Tyler look through the book a little.
"Wens this is so sweet of you, I love you so much thank you." He smiled sweetly at me and pecked my lips, I smiled a little myself too.
" What is your gift to me?"
"Look into that small silvery circle in the middle"
I did as he said and I saw a picture of the both of us sleeping which Enid took before, and the sentence "I love you forever" In every language you could think of.
"Xavier helped me with it."
"Tyyy this is to sweet even for me. I love it so much thank you." I immediately putted the necklace on and kissed Tyler on the lips, he kissed back and suddenly I was on his lap, and the kiss turned into a heated make out, I played with his golden curls while his hands wrapped around my waist.

Enid's POV:
Me and the gang are looking at the two love birds the whole time, and right now we were looking at their heated make out session, we all whooped inside while I took multiple photos, even Xavier was cheering, it was all so funny! Wednesday is going to be so furious once she finds out we were looking at them during her special moment!

That's the end for the Christmas special! I hoped you all enjoyed and dont worry im already working on all your suggestions, remember to give me more!!! Please vote and comment!! And thank you so much for 1.5k views!!!!!! I love you all my black dahlias🖤

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