3.II Christmas Shopping

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Wednesday's POV:
There is three days till Christmas, Enid is holding a Christmas party in our dorm, there will be Bianca, Xavier, Ajax, Eugene, Yoko and of course my boyfriend of almost three years Tyler. After apologising Tyler and Enid turned out to be such good friends, they would be chatting my ears off every time they are together and found a new topic to talk about.
Me and Tyler are going shopping together for everyone right now, I have to say I am quite excited this is the first Christmas I am not spending with my family. You may be wondering, do you not have Christmas break? We were supposed to go home two days ago but then Mother Nature got mad and gave us a big ass storm, making no one able to get out of the town, just now going to the shopping mall with Tyler is hard and horribly cold, Tyler though there would be very little shops are opened but of course its Christmas season and its the best time to earn money so most of the shops are opened.

We were going through the clothing stores, I saw a rainbow sweater and some flower shaped hair clips.
" These are so perfect for Enid." I immediately putted them into my shopping cart.
" Since when did you both shop for each other?" Tyler grinned amusingly
" Since I gotten used to her annoying personality and both of yours annoying habit of chatting my ears off."
We were even doing secret Santa and I got Enid thankfully, apart from Enid, Tyler, Eugene and Xavier and I do not know what the others like. Tyler got Bianca and he was planning on getting some nice clothes or jewellery for her.
    Of course I was still getting a gift for Tyler, but we decided once we finished shopping for the others, we'll shop for each other separately.

" Do you think Bianca would like this Wens?" Tyler said holding up a sea shell and pearl necklace, and a sea blue dress.
"It looks like mermaids threw up on those, its perfect."
" Great then we're done right?"
" Yes"

Tyler got the necklace and the dress and I got the rainbow necklace, hair clips, a few headbands and a light pink dress for Enid, you may have think I'm being nice but I'm only doing this because there is a sale.

" Ok so we split up now right?"
" of course you go that way and ill go this way, text me once you're done, latest 5pm" I said.
" Be careful Wens, and try not to get into fights." Tyler put a kiss to my forehead and then went to the other way.

Tyler's POV: 
I went the other way and started my search for my gift for Wednesday, I wanted something really special, something that would remind her about us once she sees it, not something you would find in every average store.

I walked around the mall for almost 30 minutes but I still haven't found anything special, suddenly I stopped, I saw a small box and I knew it was perfection, perfect for Wednesday. I immediately went inside and bought it, this is perfect! Now all I have to do is get a few more side gifts,and make a stop at a friend's tomorrow.

Wednesday's POV:

I had no trouble shopping for Tyler, cause I didn't plan to buy my special gift at a normal shop, but I do need to buy some other things for him, cause one gift apparently just wasn't enough.

Late Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Sorry for not uploading in so long! Don't worry a part 2 is coming very soon! I am finishing up many of my drafted chapters right now, I am hoping you all will enjoy!!! I hope you loved this chapter, sorry it was so short. Remember to vote for this chapter and leave comments !!! I love you all my black dahlias 🖤

I'll forgive youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora