6.ll phineas and ferb

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3rd Person POV:
It is the summer holidays and Tyler has been staying at Wednesday's with her family, they'd have annual game nights and movie nights but today Morticia, Gomez, Thing, Lurch and Pugsley are going out for dinner with some relatives but Wednesday couldn't go as she is kinda sick *cough cough* pretending to be sick so she and Tyler can have some time alone together, and since her whole family is out she and Tyler will have the whole house to themselves.
"Ok children we're leaving now!" Morticia told the two teenagers. "Take care, have fun but not too much fun! Goodbye my little viper and her Hyde!" Gomez said as he walked out of the door. Wednesday and Tyler sat on the couch nodding and bidding their goodbyes to the family.
Once the door closed the two jumped up from the couch and started to think of what they could do.
"So any ideas Ty?" Wednesday asked. "Well we could have a tv show marathon! Have you ever watched Phineas and Ferb?"
Tyler suggested. "What in the world is that?!" Wednesday shakes her head but lastly agrees.
"Trust me you'll despise it Wens" Tyler smirked and went on to make the popcorn while Wednesday started to look for chips and drinks.
Tyler turned on Disney+ and started playing the first episode, and immediately starts singing to the theme song. Wednesday looked in disgust and sighs and the childlish behaviour of her boyfriend, but finds herself surprisingly humming along as well! She takes a mental note to never do that ever again.
Through out watching the shows Wednesday would say out her opinions and as most people would find it annoying Tyler found it amusing, he'd even hear a few soft laughs and giggles once in a while.
"I like Ferb! He should have a show of his own. Also that Buford kid, his methods of torture are amusing yet dumb, that Isabella girl is sadly obvious and Phineas is as blind as a bat to not notice the signs!" Wednesday says after watching the first season.
"What about Balijeet and Candace? Perry, and Dr Doofenshmirtz?" Tyler asked while refilling their popcorn.
"Balijeet is a normal average nerd child, I feel sad for Candace for her sad life and lack of love from her parents sometimes, Perry's fine his theme song could be my new ringtone,Dr Doofenshmirtz is just dumb, though he could be quite funny I'll admit. For a children show this is quite decent." Wednesday went and sat back on the couch, with the bowl of popcorn in her hands.
"Wensss you're taking up all the space on the couch! Moveee" Tyler whined having his voice high like a child's.
"Noooo this is my house you can sit on the floor." Wednesday said mimicking his voice. Tyler took the popcorn from her hands and lifted her up, he sat down and putted her on his lap.
"Are you serious Galpin?" Wednesday said taking back the bowl of popcorn. "Yes quite serious now can we play the next episode? I can't wait for season 3 and we're just at the start of season 2!"
Throughout the all the episodes Wednesday started letting go and would laugh and occasionally sing along to the songs. When they got to the episode where Candace busted Phineas and Ferb, Wednesday screamed out finally and Tyler laughed and occasionally joins her singing, when they got to the part where Candace misses Phineas and Ferb Wednesday muttered what a baby under her breath, but also was reminded about how she would sometimes miss Pugsley when she was at school.
They got a call from Morticia saying that as it was late they would be staying at their relative's house for the night and the two decided to finish the whole show before sleeping. It was about 3 am when they got to the big episode where Phineas and Ferb travelled to different dimensions and found out that Perry was actually an agent, Wednesday thought that it was stupid of how easily they found out, while Tyler thought that it was quite emotional
       After a few more hours, Morticia, Gomez and Pugsley went back home in the morning seeing Wednesday lying on top of Tyler, both asleep with popcorn all over them and the floor.
"They are so perfect Gomez aren't they."
"They sure are mi amore, he's the perfect fit for Wednesday."

i know that this was short i'm so sorryyyy! but i still hope you all enjoyed it! tell me what y'all thought about it and i'm still accepting requests for chapters 💗 i love you all my black dahlias🖤

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