𝟏. 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆

Mulai dari awal

But what would happen now? He would like to stay here, with the Nocedas, but he knew that this would hardly be possible, since Camila could hardly manage to earn enough money to take care of Luz and Vee. He would only be a burden to her, he knew that. But where would he go? Who would he be a burden to instead? Was there anyone who would want him?

His train of thought was interrupted by the front door opening. Hunter looked up and quickly wiped the last remaining tears from his face.
Luz and Vee had returned. Both held a large shopping bag in their hands. Vee glanced at Hunter and took Luz's bag from her. "I'll got it. "she said and disappeared toward the pantry.

Luz settled down next to Hunter on the sofa, wrapping her arms around her legs and tilting her head. "Hunter? "her voice was low, barely more than a whisper, "you know no matter what the police tells mom, you'll always have a place in this family and we love you no matter what."

Hunter screwed up his face to hold back the tears that were again clouding his vision.
"Thank you," he breathed, unable to say more at the moment. Slowly and gently he lowered his head on Luz's shoulder and wiped the fresh tears from his eyes with his fingers.

"I'm scared Luz," he murmured, wincing a little when he realized with surprise how much this sentence was true. For too long he had hidden what he actually felt and thought. It felt good and right at the same time as it also felt incredibly wrong. As if any truth would be poison for him. No, rather as if every truth was the antidote after his body had become accustomed to the poison of lies over the years.

He felt Luz nodding. "I understand. Of course you are afraid. Hell, I'm scared too, but you can do it, Hunter. You are the strongest person I know. I'll always have your back, so don't worry. You're not alone in all of this." she said gently.

"Okay, I - thank you. Just thank you," Hunter said, feeling his lips form into a slight smile. After not smiling for days, it almost hurt, but it was a good kind of pain. Something that reminded him that he was still here and would continue to fight come what may.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted another time when Camila stepped through the front door. She didn't bother to take off her jacket or shoes but came rushing to the two.

"Hey, how are you?" she asked gently, stroking Hunter's hair softly.

"I'm scared," Hunter whispered, "very scared,"

Camila's eyes took on that warm expression again and Hunter felt the need to cry again.
"That's perfectly okay and normal. I would worry if you were'nt. "Camila said, "Phillip was just one of your two godfathers did you know that?"
Hunter shook his head. No, he couldn't remember that.

Camila nodded, as if she had expected this. "Your other godfather was apparently your - your father's - best friend." She eyed Hunter anxiously before continuing, "They said you would be sent to him." Hunter sucked in a sharp breath. He would be sent away? When he thought about it, he should have expected it, but he had been under the illusion that he could stay around. But Camila had just poked the little bubble he lived in.

Camila continued, "Don't worry. Gravity Falls is only an hour away. We'll visit as often as we can, after all, we need to know how you're doing and make sure our Hunter is being well taken care of. "With the last words, she tousled his hair and smiled gently. Hunter couldn't hold back a slight giggle.

"Your other godfather's name is Darius Deamonne. Maybe that will bring back memories. "Camila said. And indeed it did. It wasn't a memory, but Hunter saw something purple flash before his inner eye. He didn't know what it meant, only that it was what his brain seemed to associate with that name.

Camila stroked his hair again before saying, "Why don't you lie down for a while? Sleep will do you good. Tomorrow will be a busy day, but believe me, it will be fine, carino."

Hunter nodded weakly and fell exhausted into Camila's arms. She hugged him tightly before he disappeared into Luz's room, where he slept on an air mattress.
He had spent the first night still down in the basement on the comfortable sofa, but nightmares had haunted him all night. When Luz got wind of it, they had immediately moved him to her room so that she could be there for him if he needed someone. She really was the best friend in the whole wide world. He would really miss her when he was gone. While they weren't worlds apart, they were still TOO far from each other.

Hunter sighed as he had done many times that day. He hoped there would come a time when he didn't feel the need to sigh in despair several times a day.
He turned to his side and stared at the wall where the light shining through the blinds casts long shadows. Without another thought he closed his eyes, hoping to get at least a little sleep, knowing that he would probably hardly get a wink of sleep that night.


Well, i hope you liked this first chapter!

Always let me know what you think in the comments🥰


𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 《The Owl House》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang