5 - Harvey's Clinic - 5

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7, Wednesday, Spring , 12:17 am

Elliot and I immediately stopped beating each other to a bloody pulp, both of us in pretty bad shape, and turned our heads towards the distraught looking girl in front of us. I could tell by her expression that she wasn't too happy with us. I mean, why would she be? We probably mangled a ton of her crops while we were fighting, and most likely disturbed the chickens.

"Why were you two fighting?! You know what— never mind, I don't even want to know. Get up you two. We're going to Harvey's." The farmer began waking to town. Elliot and I both looked up at each other, and stood up. We slowly followed Y/n to Harvey's. None of us spoke during the walk. It was silent. Y/n looked disappointed and concerned.

Y/n banged on Harvey's door till a very grumpy looking Harvey answered. "What do you want its like 1 in the morning—oh.." Harvey's eyes scanned me and Elliot. He sighed and waved his hand, motioning for us to come in. The three of us hobbled inside, and Harvey led us to a patient room with two hospital beds on either side of the room. Elliot and I sat down in the beds, glaring at each other from across the room.

"Could you just— patch them up? Make there aren't any fatal wounds? I'll pay extra for waking you up so late at night." Y/n said, the concerned look to printed on her face. Harvey nodded.

As Harvey went to examine Elliot first, Y/n came over to my bed. "Your eye looks pretty bad.." she said, staring at me. I looked away. I felt guilty for starting a fight with Elliot. But I had to admit, punching Elliot in the face was one of the best feelings I've ever felt. "Seb.. what happened?" She looked at me, and I refused to meet her eyes.

"W-we just got into a small argument— that's all." It wasn't just a small argument. I'm the one who started that fight, and I knew it. I was the one who instigated it.

"This doesn't look like just a small argument.." she softly touched cheek, where a big purple bruise had already formed. I winced.

"It's all good Y/n. I promise." I smiled weakly. Y/n softly smiled, and kissed my cheek— wait what? She walked away from me, going to go check on Elliot.

Did she really just— kiss my cheek? I feel my heart beating fast, and my face started to burn bright red. I quickly pulled my hood up, trying to cover my face the best I could.

"Alright Elliot, you're all done. You should go home and get some rest." Harvey said. Elliot nodded and smiled. Y/n talked Elliot for a moment, till she hugged him and they said their goodbyes as Elliot left the clinic.

Looks like he didn't get a kiss on the cheek. I smirked.

"Alright, let's get you checked out now." Harvey sighed, showing how extremely tired he looked. He walked over to me, examining my wounds. I had a black eye, probably a broken nose, and a few bruises on my stomach. Elliot was worse off though. Apparently I made him cough up blood, which I didn't mean to do— but, oh well. It's not like he didn't deserve it.

Harvey put a medical bandage on my nose, and gave me medicine for my eye. I thanked him, and then Y/n walked back up to me, grabbing my arm. "Cmon, I'm taking you home—"

"Y/n, I'm fine—"

"Shut up please." I immediately stopped talking, letting her lead me out of the clinic. "Thank you so much Harvey, goodnight." She said.

We walked back to my house, and now we were stood at the doorway. She looked up at me. "Please don't fight like that again.. it.. it was really scary to see you two like that." She looked back down at the ground.

I felt my heart sink as I saw her glossy eyes. "I'm sorry Y/n.. i-it was nothing, really." I said.
Y/n suddenly pulled me into a hug, her face pressed against my chest. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. And I hugged back.

"You promise?" She said, looking back at me. I couldn't promise that I wouldn't beat Elliot to a bloody pulp again. But, I'll try to do it more discreetly next time.

"I promise."

Y/n smiled softly, letting go of me. I really didn't want her to let go. "Goodnight, Seb." She spoke softly, before walking away.

I didn't want her to go. I wanted Y/n all to myself. And if that meant having to get rid of any competition, I wouldn't hesitate to do so.

I think I love Y/n.

Hey!! Kind of a small chapter but I'm already working on the next one. Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed this book so far!!

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