2 - The Saloon - 2

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2, Friday, Spring, 5:30 pm

"So, what do you guys think about the new farmer girl? She's pretty cute, don't you think?" Sam said, his mouth full of pizza.

"Yeah, she's pretty cool. She gave me an amethyst the first day I met her." Abigail said, not bothering to look up from her phone.

I ignored what they were saying, focusing only on beating Sam at pool. Though, I didn't have to focus very hard on that because he was always really easy to beat. "What do you think, Sebastian?" Abi asked, her chin resting in her hand, her eyes directed towards me.

"She seems nice." Is all I said. I didn't know what else to say. I hardly know her. "One thing I've noticed, is that big backpack she always carries around. What does she even have in there?" Abi and sam laughed at my comment, and we continued to play pool.

My eyes darted to the front door of the saloon when I heard a the familiar chime of the bell, announcing somebody's arrival, this time, two chimes. In walked Elliot and Y/n. For some reason when I saw Y/n, my heart jumped. It felt weird. What did that mean?

What was she doing with Elliot..?

"Oh look, speaking of Y/n, there she is. I've seen her with Elliot a lot recently. They must be hitting it off." Sam commented before groaning as I won the third game of pool this night.

As we started another game, my eyes kept looking towards Y/n and Elliot. They were sitting at the bar.

"A beer for me and the lovely lady, please!" Elliot ordered. Gus nodded his head before swiftly sliding two beers over to them.

"Oh, what should we toast to?" Asked Elliot.

Y/n hummed for a moment before speaking. "To friendship!" She giggled.

More like to your doom, you stupid wordy loser..—


Elliot just smiled. A dumb stupid smile. I didn't trust that guy one bit..

"Alright, to friendship!" The both of them clinked their glasses together and took a sip of their beers.

They laughed and talked the whole time. About two beers in, Y/n was already drunk. She was one of those sweet drunks who just giggled and hugged everybody, every once in awhile going off on a tangent about something embarrassing. Y/n couldn't take much alcohol it seemed. It was all Elliot's fault too. He shouldn't have been giving her drinks. Instead of being concerned about her state, Elliot was just humoring it. He wasn't drunk either.

My eyes kept flickering over to them, no matter how hard I tried to ignore them, I couldn't. I was a little concerned about Y/n too.

Y/n suddenly wobbled off of her chair, almost falling over in the process, saying something like "I think I'm going to puke" before running to the bathroom.

I immediately stopped pool, and followed her to the bathroom. She hadn't closed the door or anything. She was slouched over the toilet, getting ready to puking her guts out.

I quickly crouched down next to her, and gently held her hair back for her. I don't know why, I just felt like I needed to help her.

Every time she stopped puking for a moment she would stammer out little apologies, saying how much of a mess she was and that I didn't have to help her. But I wanted to. She looked so miserable, like a sad little puppy. I could tell this was the first time she had gotten drunk before.

I held Y/n up as we walked out of the saloon. It was getting really late, so I walked her home. She wouldn't have made it if I didn't.

"Seb, have you ever— you know, had a dream, and then— then thought it was real life and then.. get sad when it wasn't..?"

"You're drunk."

She just giggled, holding onto my shirt. "Seb you're a really.. good— friend, you know that?"

"Y/n you need to stop talking."

"No but you aree!" She looked up at me, poking my cheek.

I could feel my face heat up. It would probably be bright red if it weren't too dark outside to see.

I softly pushed her hand down.

"You need rest." I said, as we neared her farmhouse. She ran up to the door, nearly tripping on the stairs.

"Hooomee!" She giggled, opening the door, and then jumping onto the bed. "Seb, would you— tell me a bedtime story?"

I just crossed my arms and laughed. "What? No."

She frowned. "Please?"


"Fine." I grabbed a chair and put it by her bed. "Aren't you going to change into pajamas?"

"Oh yeah!" She started lifting her shirt—

"NONONO! Not in front of me. G-go change in the bathroom.." I could literally feel my heart beating out of my chest. Was she trying to give me a heart attack? She giggled and ran to the bathroom.

She came out wearing an old f/b/f/a (favorite band or favorite artist) t-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama bottoms on. I stared at her.

"You like f/b/f/a..?" I didn't know anybody else who listened to them besides maybe Sam..

She nodded. "My favorite song is (insert favorite song by them)."

I laughed. "That song sucks." I said, knowing very well that I'd probably listen to it a dozen times after this, thinking about her.

She frowned. "It doesn't!"

"Yeah yeah, okay, whatever. You need to go to sleep now, Y/n."

"No! You didn't tell me a story." She said, sliding under her covers.

I sighed. "There was once a girl who drank a lot of juice, and the next day she got sick, and died. The end."

"That was a horrible story!"

"I don't care, go to sleep." I said, getting up out of the the chair.


I turned back to look at her. "...?"

"Um, thank you— for.. everything."

I smiled. "Goodnight Y/n."

Hey! If you guys like this so far, I'd really appreciate you liking it or commenting something so I know I should keep going with this. Thanks!! Have a lovely day.

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