4 - The Beach - 4

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6, Tuesday, Spring , 5 pm
We began walking to the beach, Elliot and I on each side of Y/n. It felt comedically like a love triangle. I walked a bit closer to Y/n, not even realizing I had been shooting death glares at Elliot the entire walk.

"Oh, look!" Y/n ran up ahead of Elliot and I, noticing a bunch of flowers up ahead in the distance. She admired the flowers, before picking a bundle. She slung her heavy bag off of her back and dug through it to only pull out a piece of string. She took the bundle of flowers she had freshly picked, and wound the string around the stems of the flowers, making a small bouquet.

"Don't you think Haley will like these? She loves flowers you know!" Y/n said, looking up at Elliot and I.

Eliot laughed. "How thoughtful of you, Y/n."

"I could honestly care less about what that stuck up little brat likes." I muttered. Y/n quietly giggled at my comment. I enjoyed making her laugh.

"Oh look! I have two extra." Y/n walked towards Elliot, taking one of the extra flowers and tucking it behind his ear. Elliot looked like some sort of elf  from a fantasy novel or something. Y/n then came over to me, and I must have been blushing 10 different shades of red. I couldn't help but notice how close her face was to mine as she tucked the flower behind my ear.

She took a step back, staring at the both of us before walking again. "You both look very pretty." She said with a smile. Neither me nor Elliot said anything, we just continued walking.


We got to the beach, and Y/n set up a little picnic area on the sand. We all sat down. Y/n took out some food— pomegranate for Elliot, and pumpkin soup for me. How'd she know all of my favorite things?

"Y/n, how'd you know I liked pomegranates?" Asked Elliot.

"Yeah, you seem to know everything about everyone." I spoke.

"I just guessed" Y/n giggled. She took out something for herself to eat as well. It was f/f. (insert favorite food) I took note of that for later.

"Elly, how's your book coming along?" Y/n asked, shoving her face with f/f. I didn't like the cute nickname she gave Elliot. I just glared, and continued eating.

"It's going really well—thanks to you, I'm actually quite close to finishing It." Elliot said, smiling at Y/n.

"That's great—oh look, guys! It's almost sunset. We should go in the water!" Y/n stood up from the blanket. "C'mon!"

"I'm not going in water—H-HEY!" Y/n took my hand and pulled me to the water. Y/n let go of my hand and took off her thin flannel, now just in a thin tank top and shorts. She pulled me into the water.

"Take off your hoodie before you get it wet, silly." She laughed. I groaned and pulled my hoodie and the shirt I had underneath off. Elliot followed us, and jumped into the water from the dock, splashing Y/n and I.
We all screamed and laughed. We broke into a splashing fight. Y/n splashed me, getting water in my eyes. She giggled deviously. "You're going to regret that." I said.

I grabbed her, throwing her onto my shoulders with ease. She was pretty light. "S-seb put me down!" She screamed.

"No!" I laughed. Y/n suddenly put her hands over my eyes. "Quit it." I felt my face heating up.

"Not till you put me down!" I threw her into the water, getting her hair more wet than it already was.

She laughed and then was pulled along by Elliot. Who had just caught a fish with his hands.

Show off.

Y/n looked at it with amazement. "You need to teach me how to fish like that Elliot!" Y/n said. Elliot laughed.

"I'll teach you some other time!"

After we had finally gotten tired of swimming, I made a fire and we all sat back down at the beach. It was around 7:00 pm now. We sat down by the fire. I noticed Y/n was shivering. Her flannel she brought wasn't really doing anything to keep her warm. Without thinking, I took off my hoodie, and gave it to her.

"You'll get cold Sebastian—"

"I don't get cold, don't worry." I smiled.

"T-thank you." She said, with a smile. She pulled the hoodie—my hoodie, over her small body. "If you get cold just tell me, I'll give it right back to you." She smiled.

"I won't." I said.

I noticed Elliot was staring at Y/n. Was he jealous? Good. I wanted to make him jealous.

Elliot doesn't deserve Y/n.

After telling campfire stories— well, more like Elliot telling stories, and the both of us listening, we decided to all start walking home.

Elliot accompanied us, even though his house was at the beach. He kept trying to make moves on Y/n too. Like during the walk home, he offered to give Y/n a piggyback ride to the farm since she said she was tired.

I wanted to rip his throat out— not actually, but still..

After we said our good nights to Y/n, it was just Elliot and I.

"I know you like Y/n. Stay away from her." Did I really just say that? I sounded like a total loser.. But I couldn't help it. Elliot wasn't good for Y/n..

"It sounds like you like her too." He said.

I once again, dug my fingernails into my hands, resisting the urge to punch him right then and there. "I don't trust you."

"Well then, it's mutual." He said with a smirk. What's up with this guy? Why is he so full of himself? "I think we should both go, before this little feud gets out of hand—" before I knew it, I had swung directly at Elliots face. He fell to the ground clutching his face. My eyes were widened with realization of what I had just done.

I just punched Elliot.


Elliot tackled me to the ground, getting a few punches in before I rolled him over, punching him in his stomach till he coughed up blood. He got a punch to my eye, and I quickly stood up, tackling him again, his head hitting the ground hard.

"What are you two doing—STOP!"

Jealous || Stardew Valley Sebastian x FarmerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt