3 - Fences - 3

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6, Tuesday, Spring , 12:30 pm
I walked slowly through the back way to Y/n's farm, kicking small rocks as I went. I actually didn't mind going to help Y/n with her fences anymore. At first, I was dreading it, but now i was kind of excited to go see Y/n I never felt excited to go see anyone— so this was new for me..

I had been thinking about her a lot lately— maybe too much. Is that creepy? I didn't mean to be creepy, I just can't help it. Whenever I'm not busy, my mind just wanders to her. How could she have lived here for only 6 days and already have this big of an impact on everybody? It wasn't just me— everybody was talking about the "new farmer in town" and I mean, everybody. Somehow she had figured out everybody's gifts too..

Maybe she's the creepy one? Or maybe she just listens really well..

I arrived at the farm, and knocked on her door softly. I heard rustling inside the house, and then the door swung open. "Sebastian! Hey— oh! Come inside, I just made lunch." She took my arm and led me to her kitchen table and motioned for me to sit down, so I did. She went over to the kitchen, and all I could see was her preparing something. She carefully brought food over to me and sat it down in front of me.

I looked down at the food. It was sashimi. "How did you—"

"Don't worry about it, just eat!"

I took a piece of sashimi and quickly ate it. It was really good. "Wow, it's been so long since I've had good sashimi.." I smiled, and ate the rest contently.


As I fixed Y/n's fences, I couldn't help but look over to her every once in awhile. She was always doing something different, watering crops, feeding her chickens, foraging, etc. I looked to her, though this time, she was looking back. We both awkwardly looked away, till she walked up to me. "Um, thank you— for doing this. You really didn't have to."

"It's no problem. I don't mind."

Y/n smiled softly and rocked back and forth on her heels. "So— about last night, I didn't do anything weird—right..?" She asked, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Uh..—" I scratched the back of my neck. "Well actually, you threw up on my shoes, and all over the pool table— and then you tried to kiss Gus—" her eyes widened and she went bright red. "Joking, joking" I laughed.

Y/n let out a breathe. "So I didn't do anything embarrassing?"

"Besides doing horribly bad karaoke with Elliot, I don't think so."

She laughed and looked down at the ground. "I never thanked you for walking me home. That was really nice of you." She said, shyly looking down at the ground.

"Once again, it's no problem." I smiled, hammering in a nail. "Well, I think you're fences should be good for awhile—"

"Hello Y/n!" Y/n and I both turned our heads toward the sudden interrupting voice. Not this guy again.. "I didn't know Sebastian was going to be here, should I come back another time?" Elliot asked. This guy was too proper. It was so annoying..

"Oh, hey Elliot. Sebastian just came to fix some of my fences. What's up?" Y/n as always, being the saint she is, didn't mind Elliot's sudden interruption.

"Oh, well— I was just coming to ask you if you'd like to go sit at the beach with me? I could use the company." Elliot asked, smiling softly.

I felt awkward being here. Elliot obviously liked Y/n. There was no denying it. For some reason the thought of the two together made my blood boil.

I dug my fingernails into my palms— it was a nasty habit of mine that I did whenever I got mad. I forced a smile. "I should go."

Y/n frowned. "O-oh, are you sure Seb? I'm sure Elliot wouldn't mind if you joined us—" Y/n offered, she looked kind of disappointed.

Should I go? It'd probably be awkward but then I could keep an eye on Elliot— Not that Y/n couldn't take care of herself, but I didn't trust that guy one bit..

"Oh, I guess I could hang out with you guys for a bit.."

Y/n smiled excitedly. "Oh! I'll pack a picnic basket. You boys wait here for a moment." Y/n skipped inside to her little cabin, leaving Elliot and I alone.


"So, you and Y/n are close?" Elliot asked. There was awkward tension in the air and it was suffocating.

"Yeah, we are." We weren't very close at all, but I said we were anyways.

I scratched the back of my neck. "You and Y/n were pretty plowed last night." I spoke.

Elliot laughed, a stupidly charming laugh. "Well, Y/n has been helping me with a book I've been working on— so I decided to treat her to a drink or two. It kind of got out of hand." He smiled a bit. "If I would've known Y/n couldn't handle alcohol, I wouldn't have ordered her more than one—"

"Okay guys, are you ready to go?" Y/n closed her cabin door shut, and quickly jumped down the stairs, basket in hand.

Jealous || Stardew Valley Sebastian x FarmerWhere stories live. Discover now