Chapter 5: Pretend Girlfriend

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I woke up the next morning feelling like absolute shit. After staying up until six in the morning to finish up my crappy short story. I instantly passed out, not even changing out of my day clothes. It bugs me that my writing has become rusty after not practicing for so long, but on the other hand it felt good to feel again.

I looked beside me, at my alarm clock that failed to wake me up. The clock read 12:42 pm. Well looks like im not going to school today. Might as well get my assignments done.

I stumbled my way to the computer while wiping away the sleep form my eyes .

Ah, maybe I should brush my teeth... I thought to myself, then decided I would do it later. As I waited for my computer to start up I checked my phone to see a missed call and two text messages from an unknown number.

A part of my wanted to check who it was, but the other part of me was too lazy, and you know how it works, laziness always wins. Go Violet!

I went online to check for Mr. Phillips assignment. All it said was to write a short story based off your inner emotions. Well, wasn't that convenient. Looks like all I have to do now is type up what I wrote yesterday.

My laziness was overpowering me because I had absolutely no motivation to write a separate short story. Coincedences can be such a beautiful thing.

I spent the next thirty minutes typing up my short story and revising small parts. Even though I saw majpr sections that I could change I decided against changing it because I wrote the story for Danny and I wouldn't change it drastically without informing him.

There was a itching thought in the back of my head wondering who the unknown call and texts messages came from. So I picked up my phone and read the two messages sent to me.

Unknown #: Hello Violet

Unknown #: This is Raymond by the way.

Well that explains that.

I stared at his message for what seemed like hours, though only seconds had passed by.

V: Hello?

After a brief moment, my fingers moved to send the message.

I stared at the screen waiting for a reply, but nothing came. A wave of relief passed through me. Well at least I don't have put an effort to communicate.

All of the sudden my phone began to ring. My heart stopped in my chest for a moment until I looked down to read the caller ID; Shawn.

I let out a huge sigh as my heart began to beat again.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone when I picked up.

S: "Yo Violet, why weren't you in class today?"

I personally think that it's sort of creepy that Shawn is in all of my classes, though it's fun because I have a friend.

V: "I had a rough night, so I slept in."

S: "Rough night, huh?"

I could just imagine Shawn winking through the phone.

V: "Oh shut up, there was definitely no sex involved you perv."

S: "Who said anything about sex? That was all on you, you dirty girl."

V: "Oh fuck off."

S: " Why? When I can just fuck you instead?"

V: "Shawn!"

S: "Ha-ha, I love messing with you."

V: "I hate you."

S: "You love me."

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