Chapter 1: Guardian Angel

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June 25th, 2015.

This date is a birthday to some, an anniversary, or just a random day. But this day to me will be forever lodged into my brain as the day of Danny's death.

It's been exactly two months since I recieved the phone call from his mom. Two months since the day he took his last breath. None of it made sense to me. For four years we were together and for four years I was in love with him.

I am still in love with him; impossibly in love. It's painful, the thought that I will never see him again, the thought that I can never feel the warmth of his lips on mine or that none of our dreams for the future can come true.

I never knew that he didn't want to live, that he longed for endless sleep. How can you be with someone for four years and never notice what was really on their minds? He was always so happy around me, always having his gorgeous smile plastered on his face.

I'm not ready to start college without him, we were suppose enter the doors of Pomona College together.

I had roughly half an hour before my first class started and I lived a ten minute walk from campus, but I'm just not ready. I layed down on my bed, closing my

eyes, thinking about the one person constantly invading my brain.

Violet, honey, you should go live our dream.

A voice in my head whispered to me. Danny's voice. My eyes shot open and I instantly got this rush of adrenaline from thinking about Danny's encouraging words, which were really my own thoughts spoken in Danny's voice.

I grabbed my bag that carried all my school supplies and my longboard before I headed out my front door.

A short five minutes later, I stood in front of my new school. I had always thought that Danny would be with me, but he isn't. His voice was right though, I had to live our dreams for the both of us since he couldn't be here to expierence them with me. My heart sank at the thought, but I continued towards the Smiths Campus Center where I would be taking my writing courses.

I was planning to major in creative writing, but had other courses like Middle English Literature. Danny and I both had a passion for writing and literature, which was how we met in our freshman year of highschool; through an advanced English course.

By the time I arrived at my classroom, I still had ten minutes to spare, but the seats were already beginning to fill. I decided to take my seat towards the middle of the class. After setting my belongings down, a tall blonde guy decided to take a seat next to me.

I stared at him wondering why he couldn't have chosen any other seat in the room, but held my tongue from saying it outloud.

"Hello," Blondie greeted, smiling at me.

"Hi." My voice was soft and shy. I hadn't really talked to many people every since Danny's death, I mainly isolated myself and kept to my writing.

"I'm Shawn Palmer, what's your name?" He seemed sweet and enthusiastic about being here. I lifted my head to get a better look at him. He had light skin that seemed like it rarely touched the sun, but not completely pale. His eyes were a stormy blue and had a decent build; not broad and muscular but not lanky either.

"Violet Dawson," I muttered shaking his had that I didn't even notice was there.

"You have a beautiful name."

I smiled in response and turned my head back to my lap in hopes that he wouldn't continue to further useless conversation.

Of course, I wasn't lucky enough to get my wish. "So, do you live in the dorms or do you have to drive here?"

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