Chapter 2: Mr. Sexy Professor

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Everyone seems to say that college will be the best years of your life. I can see why they say that, but it's not like the feeling is similar towards me. I am honestly trying so hard to move on, but three months just doesn't seem like enough time.

Weeks have gone by, but my days seem very constant: wake up, go to school, conversate to the best of my ability, go home, do homework and study, write, go to bed, repeat. I have made a couple of friends along the way , two of which happen to be Blake and Shawn. They keep encouraging me to go on dates or go to parties, but those are the last things I want to do. It just feels so wrong, like I'm cheating on Danny.

God, I feel like an obsessed child, but maybe I am. No one knows whats going on except for Lauren, though she still tries to get me back out there.

Today though, I agreed to go out to the bar with them, just for a little bit. The deal was that I have to stay for at least half an hour, if I was having fun, then I would stay and if I felt uncomfortable, then I could leave. It took weeks of convincing, but I finally said yes.

So here I am now, getting ready for my first night out since I entered college. There was two weeks after Danny's death where I medicated myself with alcohol and clubs with my handy dandy fake ID.

"Oh honey! You look fabulous!" Lauren squealed when she got a first glance at me.

I hardly think that fabulous was the right word for it, but if you say so. In all honesty I was a less than average girl that enjoyed to wear T-shirts and jeans. Tonight though, I wore leather leggings and a maroon low cut shirt that showed way too much cleavage and some jewelry. I'll admit it's more than what I usually wear, but 'fabulous' is definitely not the right way to describe me.

Lauren drove us to the nearest bar about fifteen minutes away from my apartment, where we met up with Blake and Shawn.

"Woah, do my eyes deceive me? Is this really Violet standing in front of me, dressed like a girl?" Shawn pretended the moment he laid his eyes on me.

"Fuck off."

The moment we entered the building music rang through my ears.

We Own The Night, Havana Brown.

They still play this song?

"Alright, lets get wasted before Violet can ditch us," Blake exclaimed taking Lauren's waist, leading her to the bar.

The two of them have been hard core hitting it off since the moment they met, but refuse to acknowledge anything. Typical.

"What would you like to drink m'lady?" Shawn asked, sitting down next to me.


"Violet, is that you?" A masculine voice said behind me.

I turned around to see Mr. Phillips facing me.

"Oh, hello, what are you doing here professor?" I questioned.

"Here is your beer," Shawn offered next to me, not realizing that our teacher was next to us, and we were in fact underage.

"Mr. Palmer, isn't it?" Our professor stated, making Shawn recognize his presence.

"Oh shit." Smooth Shawn. "I mean, yes sir, hello Professor."

Mr. Phillips simply chuckled. "Don't worry about it, I know you kids drink all of the time. Oh and to answer your earlier question," he began, directing his attention back to me, "I'm here for the same reason you are, to relax myself a bit after a long week."

"Actually, I'm here because Shawn and my other friends forced me under my will," I answered.

"We did not, we just persistently encourage you to live a little, instead of locking yourself into your apartment all of the time," Shawn defended.

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