Chapter 3: The Radford House

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"Hey sorry for ditching you on Friday, but I hooked up with the best pairs of tits ever," Shawn apologized as he sat down next to me for Middle English literature. In all honesty I have no idea why I decided to take this course, but for some reason I found enjoyment in learning the old language that nearly doesn't make any sense.

"That was the worst fucking apology I have every heard," I declared, moving my things so that he would have more room to put his belongings down.

"You are very welcome," he laughed. I wonder why he and Lauren were taking this class. I mean I know Shawn and I were both majoring in the same thing, but Lauren was majoring in American History. Okay, I guess I kind of understand.

"Yo, so I heard that you and Blake did the nasty Friday night," Shawn announced once Lauren sat down next to me.

"Shut the fuck up, 'did the nasty?' What are you, twelve?" She snapped.

"Only at heart," he winked in response.

"Okay kids, calm down before someone gets hurt," I intercepted, knowing that if I didn't say anything Lauren would start yelling. I could tell when she was in a pissy mood.

Violet: What's wrong?

Lauren: I'll tell you about it later. But bottom line, Blake is a douche bag.

Ah, aren't they all?

"Hey, I'll see you during creative writing, okay? I need to talk to Lauren about something," I mumbled to Shawn before departing after our class.

"What's her deal?"

"Nothing, just leave her alone for now okay?"


I walked over to Lauren who was busy on her phone when I reached her. I looked over to see that her screen was blank.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Don't judge me, I didn't want people to think that I was a loner," Lauren defended.

I laughed in response and continued to walk over to a shaded tree over in the court yard.

"So, care to explain what happened Friday night?" I questioned, getting right to the point.

"We had sex."

"I figured that much," I replied sardonically.

"No, but like I woke up the next morning and he wasn't there. So I called him, because we were friends so I figured I wouldn't sound needy. Anyways, he got all bitchy on me, like he was like 'look whatever last night was was a one time thing, you don't mean anything to me.' and then hung up. I found out later that he hook up with some other girl last night, like what the fuck?"

"Well shit."

"Is that seriously all you can say?" Lauren sounded annoyed, but I am really terrible at this stuff.

"Well shit, what a dick."

"I know right!"

I don't understand girls 89 percent of the time.

For the rest of my time before my next class I allowed Lauren to rant to me about Blake and I will admit the whole thing is very confusing. Well I suppose it's just really messed up, I never really had to experience the whole one night stand thing because Danny was my first and only with nearly everything.

I tried to be there for my friend, but I wasn't excellent at the whole empathy thing, I'm a good listener though. I let her say things like:

"I really hope he go dies in a hole because he's such an ass." and, "What the hell is wrong with him, like I know we weren't like 'a thing' or anything, but he didn't have to be a total dick about it and treat me like last weeks left overs."

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