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i'm excited for this story.


calum let out an exasperated sigh, today has been a long and really boring day at the candy shop.

he hadn't notice someone was at the counter waiting to pay for something until he heard a slight bang.

calum looked up to see a fairly cute, and very tall blonde boy. he had pretty ocean blue eyes adorned by long lashes, thin pink lips garnished with a black lip-ring, and pale white flawless skin; aside from the sleeve of tattoos on his right arm. okay, on second thought, maybe he was super cute; but that was no one else's business.

then he looked down to scan the items for the boy, really confused at what he was buying.

"anything else?" calum tried to hide the confusion and astonishment seeping into my voice as he spoke, because this lanky and super punk lad was buying at least ten packages of tic-tacs. its not that buying tic-tacs is unormal or anything, but people usually only bought a single package, and he was buying ten.

what could he possibly need with all these tic-tacs? was his breath that terrible? calum didn't know, but he wished that he could get close enough to test it out.

he just looked up from his wallet, a smirk etched into his features and replied with, "nope, just the tic-tac's, and your number please."

the brunette lad gasped at his bluntness, his cheeks heating up at the attention the blonde was giving him. why was he blushing, he barely even knew this kid. yeah he was totally cute, and had really nice legs, eyes to die for, and oh god that lip ring of his that calum so badly wanted to pull on, and... stop thinking like that calum, he mentally scolded himself, this is not the right time or the right place.

"u-uhm, i-i... u-uhm you want m-my number?" fuck, he thought, i'm a stuttering mess.

"yes, princess, that's what I asked for wasn't it?" he could feel how intensely his blue eyes were staring at him as he blushed, because oh god, he had called him princess, and calum loved the way it sounded coming from his pierced lips, and he thought about how quickly he could get used to it.

"y-yeah, sure," he reached behind the counter pulling out a scrap piece of paper and a pen, scribbling his name and number on it, and handed it over to the mystery boy.

"calum," he read aloud, "such a pretty name, for such a pretty boy."

"thanks..." calum trailed off, realizing he didn't know his name.

luke caught on, "luke, my name is luke."

luke, that suited him. calum smiled at the thought.

"oh, well then, luke, though I enjoy speaking to you there are people behind you in line," calum politely replied.

"okay, princess, i must get going anyways, i'll talk to you later," his right eye dropped down into a wink as the words escaped his mouth.

and those words had calum so excited as the blonde exited the store, because he simply just couldn't wait to get to know the blonde better. he wanted to know everything, from his childhood, to his favourite colour, to his deepest darkest secrets, to his silly little quirks, to his dumbest habits, and everything in between.

then he smiled even wider as he realized that he was so caught up in blushing and stuttering at the blonde who made his tummy feel weird, -a really good kind of weird- that the blonde had walked out the store without paying; but that was okay because he had given luke his number, and he couldn't be happier.

tic-tacs || cth + lrhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora